Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tuesday part duex

Everyone met up at the House of Blues for a free meal and concert around 2pm. The weather was great, the band was decent so not too bad. I tell SB that I want to go to the Alligator Adventure Park before we leave the beach and he says since we are so close we should go now. Ronnie's girlfriend has not riden his bike much so she decided she'll make the short trip on the bike...then my niece wants to ride w/ SB, and SIL joins brother, which leaves me and Christine in the car. problem. A few minutes later all but Ronnie & Lisa head into AA. MAN! I didn't realize this place was so big! It took us almost 3 hours to go through probably wouldn't not have taken so long but SIL had to take a picture of EVERY animail in the park! *LOL* I really enjoyed the park and can't wait to scrapbook all the great pics I got of feeding time! The guys went riding while the ladies came home and chiled for awhile.

BTW, I am already almost finished with my James Patterson book by now......

Wednesday - Nothing special happens on Weds.....just a little shopping at Broadway on the Beach. This is my 3rd day in a row of taking a morning walk...just me and my camera.....loving the peace and quite on the beach that early in the morning. Oh, I forgot...everyone, well almost everyone...not me mind a little crazy with the jello-shooters! It was kind of funny to watch grown adults get a little tipsy *G* Just another reminder why I don't drink much......*G*

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