Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Top Ten Tuesday....T3

Since I am trying to get into the Holiday Spirit around here.....My T3 today is:

My Top Ten Favorite Christmas Cartoons/Movies:

10 - Frosty the Snowman
9 - Nester the Long-Eared Donkey
8 - Santa Clause is Coming to Town
7 - A Christmas Carol (the B&W version)
6 - Scrooged
5 - Miracle on 34th Street
4 - Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer
3 - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
2 - Opus & Bill....A Wish for Wings that Work


Say it with me now........................................................................

1 - A Christmas Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could watch that movie about a 100 times a year! And I usually do! *LOL* Last year someone bought me the Anniversary DVD and I LOVE it! I need to watch that tonight.......... after the Amazing Race of course!

So I am passing this along....what are your top ten Christmas movies? You may list one I had forgotten about and I need to re-work my list....of course my #1 will never change but maybe I could lose Frosty or something....*G*


Ok so a few of you do read the blog and would make comments if I had alllowed it! *L* Seems that in my effort to stop weird SPAM messages I accidently took away everyone's ability to post. Hopefully I have that fixed. Ya'll have a posting party and see if it works! *LOL*

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Where have I been? you ask.....

Well none of you have really asked....none of you post comments! Shame on you! My feelings are hurt! Well since you have properly been chastized, I guess I'll clue you in....

In Sept. my brother had Gastric Bypass....He was over 400lbs and although "healthy" he wanted to do something before he got real health problems. Anyway, since his surgery he has lost an incredible 87 lbs.! I think that is awesome! Well I REALLY wanted to have the surgery as well and after talking to SugarBritches (and everyone else I know) I called the Weightloss Clinic to see how I needed to proceed. I was told to contact my Ins. Co. to see if they would cover the surgery (95% of ins. companies do)....well not ours! *G* Actually the Ins. Co. does but SB's company has "excluded" any Weight Loss Surgery. *SIGH* So while I wait for the company to find out if they can make an exception SB talked me into joining the YMCA.....actually he wanted to join and I thought I had better try to do something while I wait!

So for the first week I went to the Y and walked on the treadmill.....it was all I thought I could do....then SB told me to get a trainer.....I didn't want a trainer.....if I had a trainer then I would have someone to watch over me to make sure I exercised! Well I made an appt. with the Drill Seargent/trainer and after about a 30 minute conversation we worked out a little exercise plan of walking and weight training. I have gone 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks! Go ahead....you can applaud now! *LOL* I really like it and look forward to going even if it is at the buttcrack of dawn! I go before work most days and spend about 45 mins sweating my bootie off. I have lost 4.5lbs!! No where near what I need to do but better than if I had done nothing! So if you see someone on the treadmill who looks like she would rather be ANYWHERE else than there say howdy! I would love the company! *LOL*

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Top 10 things that sound dirty at Thanksgiving but aren't:

10. "Reach in and grab the giblets."
9. "Whew...that's one terrific spread!"
8. "I am in the mood for a little dark meat!"
7. "Tying the legs together will keep the inside moist."
6. "Talk about a HUGE breast!"
5. "And he forces his way into the end zone!"
4. "She's 5000 pounds fully inflated and it takes 15 men to hold her down."
3. "It's cool whip time!"
2. "If I don't unbutton my pants, I am going to burst!"

And the number one thing that sounds dirty at thanksgiving but isn't...

1. "It must be broken 'cause when I push on the tip, nothing squirts out."

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sad Day at the Bay.....

My favorite scrapbook store owner closed her doors today! But not before I spent too much money! *L* I'll miss going down to see Jennifer but thankfully we both have Yahoo IM so we will still be able to keep in touch! My other friend Amy came down as well and brought her too cute son Josh! The manners that kid has! He said Thank you about 100 times while he was there! *L*
I guess tonight Sugar Britches and I will go out to dinner with a few friends and just chill out the rest of the weekend. I am purposely trying to keep un-busy this weekend because I already have 2 commitments next week and then 1 the next week and then of course comes Thanksgiving and before you know it Christmas will be here!
Speaking of Christmas.......I have finally started my shopping! Usually by this time I am at least 1/2 way through! So far I have only gotten a few things for Stepmonster and SB....I also have all the parents taken care. They are all getting a 5X7 of us and a GC to their favorite restaurant. Most of my nieces and nephews want GC to the Mall or Movie Passes so shopping shouldn't be too hard this year. I will still go out the day after Thanksgiving....just cause I like it! *L* I know some of you think I'm nuts but I just love the rush!!
Well better get busy if I am going to get everything put away before SB gets home....no need to flaunt the evidence of my shopping trip *G*

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sing it with me now.....

we like to party all the time...party all the time!...

Last night was a blast! There were 5 families from the neighborhood who got together along with several of our friends and family. I am guessing....around 30 adults plus children.
We all met at Neighbor #1's house and set up tables and all manner of spooky decorations. Everyone brought candy and finger foods. We brought our Fire Pit down which turned out to be a great idea... (Thank you very much!)...we were all a little chilly by about 7pm. There were not as many kids this year but those who came by sure got a show!
Neighbor #2 dressed as a 9' Clown! He had these cool platform things from work (he hangs sheetrock) that he walked around on all night. His wife had sown flannel sheets together to make his pants. He was great! The kids loved him! They didn't love all the scary adults/teens who played dead in the yard until someone came past. Most kids just laughed it off but we had a few who wouldn't come get candy! Bless their little hearts!

I know I have said this to some of you before...and I am sticking by this for sure now.....I really think some of my neighbors are SWINGERS and not the dancing kind either! *L*

..... a conversation overheard at the fire pit.

Neighbor #1's wife: OOOHHH...you scared me

Neighbor #3(man): Just wanted to feel what was under the costume..wife (name left out to protect innocent) went home to change...not in a good way either....guess you'll have to help me and the one-eyed monster out tonight!

Neighbor #1's wife: giggle.....really?

At this point...I slowly walk away.....I don't need to hear the rest of the conversation.....I haven't told Sugarbritches about this conversation yet but I did tell Stepmom and she TOTALLY agrees with me! *LOL* You just don't have that kind of conversation with your neighbor's wife unless something is going on between you!

Well I need to box up the Halloween decorations and put them away until next year. And then I am going to scrub my brain so I can get the mental image of my neighbors and the one-eyed monster out of my head!