Friday, July 07, 2006

OUCH!....Men may want to skip this post!

I was going to post some of my ramblings that are still in the draft section but I need to tell you guys what's going on with me....not so much because I think you care but I need to talk about it and I am sure my family is sick of hearing lucky you!

First, let me give you a little back story........2 weeks ago I went to my dad's for dinner. I got up from the couch to check on something and I almost fell over from a sharp pain. It came from my spinal cord around to my belly button. I almost cried it hurt so bad. Since stepmom is a nurse she tried diagnosing me with several things before it was decided that I must go to the ER. Everyone thought I had a kidney stone......after several hours in the ER I was informed that it was not a kidney stone and they needed to do a cat scan. The wonderful morphine had kicked in by then so I was game for anything. Sugarbritches and I heard one of the staff say that I had a 20mm cyst. OK....not the best news but not terrible. When we ask about it we were told "Oh no it's not 20's 20 CM!!!!" OUCH!!!!!!! Then the nurse had the nerve to pull out a tape measure and show me just how big 20CM go find a tape measure....I'll wait.......That's freaking big huh? She said it was the size of a canteloups and I needed to see a Gyn. immediately. As a matter of fact they had spoken to one and he would see me the next morning. WOW! Not sure about your area but you can't get a Gyn.'s appt. around here for months! So I was a little nervous that he agreed to see me so soon.

So, I go the next morning and once I go through the sheer joy that is a pap smear, and rectal exam! I am told that the ER docs were wrong. The "mass" as we are calling it now, is only 8.5X12X13 CM. Oh really???? Cause it feels like 20!!!!!! Dr. Fun wants me to have an ultrasound so he can determine exactly were the "mass" is and what our next steps should be. Only thing is, he is going out of town and wouldn't be back until today! And since he didn't trust anyone else but his people to do the ultrasound I have had to endure this pain and boredom for the last 2 weeks. Boredom comes from being told, "No Heavy lifting, no stress, just rest!" I have read several books, watched entirely too much TV and have just been miserable for it!

SO, all of that to say this..........

I went to the Dr. today for the Ultrasound......It is not 1 "mass".....there are 3 large cysts on my left ovary. YEAH! And when I talked to the Dr. this afternoon he gives me the good news. Surgery is needed as soon as possible. And in his words, it will be a "major surgery" for me. He will have to go through my abdomin because of their size. He will take the left ovary, my uterus and try to leave me the right ovary. Oh JOY! And it gets even better.....what I thought would be just an overnight stay in the hospital has turned into at least a 3 day ordeal! And the best part????? 6-8 weeks recovery time!!! I will be out of my mind by then. And if that isn't enough to brighten my day I am told by stepmom that not only will I feel drained for the first few weeks I won't be able to drive!!!! HELLO????? This can't be happening! I know that the sheer thought of not being able to drive will make me want to drive even more!

Anyway, I guess I should be happy that I am getting this taken care of. And to be honest the surgery wasn't really a fear until he told me I would have to be in the hospital for several days. That has me freaked out for some reason! The last time I had to stay in a hospital was the day I was born! I am not looking forward to this. I should know tomorrow when I will be going under the knife. If you pray, I'd appreciate you saying a short one for me.

Sorry for the long boring post.....I hope to return to my fun-loving self soon......

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