Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I want my MTV...

and CBS, and NBC, and every other channel! Sat. night after the game SB and I had a long discussion about what was going on with him. What it came down to was he feels I am not spending any time with him and that we lead separate lives. Which is true to a point but I think that it got that way because I was trying to be the wife that let him go hang with the "boys" anytime he wanted. And since he was hanging out with them I was going and doing other things. True we spent most evenings together but I guess in his mind it wasn't enough. So, we agreed to work harder on spending time just the 2 of us. I am very excited about it because I would rather spend time with him than sit at home while he's out riding motorcycles! *G* He also said that he feels like he has been in the middle of my war with Stepmonster and he hates that. I told him that I had not been battling her lately and that I thought he was more on her side than in the middle anyway! We decided to disagree, but not argue over this right now. I think once we start spending more time together he may actually see my point of view but if not, then I'll just keep praying that she find a place of her own soon! *G*

While we were talking, the power flickered off twice. Everything came back on except our TV. Now, ya'll know my addiction to reality TV so you know I can not NOT have a TV! SB did some research online and asked me to go with him to look at a few models at Best Buy. 2 hours later.....I was just ready to grab the first tv I could get my hands on and run to the check-out.... but being a man he had to look over all the options, sizes, prices, etc. We finally decided on a 30" flat screen with HDTV on sale for $699. I think hubby really wanted the 36" but he couldn't bring himself to pay $1,000 for a TV. Bless him, it just about killed him to leave it on the shelf. Since our hand me down entertainment center is not made to hold a 30" TV we also had to pick up a new stand. So even though we got the cheaper TV, our little power surge cost us almost $900. Thank goodness for no interest for 2 years! *LOL*

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