Friday, August 25, 2006


What a week. I just haven't had the energy to blog...too depressed I think.

I have also been very busy at work. Why does it take 4 weeks to catch up on being out for 2? My desk is a disaster area. I thought I was actually going to see the cherry finish this week but no such luck *G* This week was newsletter time which means I track down all articles, make corrections/additions, send it for proofreading, make any more changes or corrections and then copy. The copier hates me. I have had this feeling for awhile now. I think that it must run on testosterone. I can try to make it do something and it won't of the men in the office can just walk in the room and suddenly, miraculously it will be begin to work perfectly. I could have sworn I heard it laugh at me one day! Anyway, yesterday it refused to print right side up. (It's a 4 pages printed both sides) Now I know what you are thinking...."you should move the paper stupid" Well I did that...I moved the paper in the copier and in the tray 4 different ways, EVERY time it copied the EXACT same way! I am telling you it is possessed! Even when the Youth Director came in it wouldn't everyone will be getting mis-copied newsletters because I was so mad I refused to try it one more time!

Another reason for the busy week is that my dad and brother are hosting a Softball Tournament this weekend. Which translates to my step-mom and I running all the errands, cleaning the most vile, disgusting bathrooms known to man, and then listening to them complain about how tired they are! My dad asked for volunteers to help run the concession stand ( we told him to schedule them in 2hr intervals so people wouldn't have to work so long) I wound up creating the list, getting the volunteers and then when he changed the schedule around he had the nerve to be upset with me because I wouldn't call everyone to let them know. Hey buddy I thought this was your chicken! Oh well, I will be there all day Sat. and Sun. so it won't really matter.

And to be honest the way things are going here at just as well I am not here. And just so you know, my problem isn't with "she who must not be named" Hubby is in a weird mood and I just don't know what to do about it anymore. He suffers from depression, being the usually happy person I am I just can't relate to it. I feel like when he gets in these moods he just sucks the joy right out of me. Now normally he isn't so bad. His medication helps alot. But sometimes like now, he doesn't talk to anyone, nothing seems to be to his liking, and he's just generally miserable. Which in turn makes me miserable. Maybe I should be a better wife but when it gets like this I just want to be away from him. SIGH, I am doing it again! Using this blog to complain about how terrible my life is, when it really isn't! For the most part I have a great life! I just have to remember that during these not so happy times.

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