Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's Just A Game.....Isn't it?

Sat. morning begins at 6:30am....that's EARLY for a Sat. morning around here! I got dressed and hauled booty to the Ballfield to help set up for the tournament. The first game wasn't until 9am but we had to set up the concession stand... so by the time the first pitch was thrown I was already exhausted! *L* For the most part things ran smoothly but late. I have been to a few tournaments and that seemed normal so I didn't think that much about it.

There was this one man (we'll call him player from now on) who kept coming up to check out the "bracket". He seemed nice enough when he started telling me that it wasn't set up right. Now I don't know anything about putting on a tournament and since it was the first time my brother had put one on, he had asked someone to help him. So, thinking that there really was a problem, I called my brother over. He explained how they had come up with the bracket and everything seemed ok. I say "seemed" because player kept coming back. He had me convinced at one point that all they needed to do was not play the last game of the night and then everything would be right. So I call my brother back up to the concession stand.....big mistake! He was hot and tired (by this time we had been there about 10 hours) he told player one more time that it was right and he was sorry that the he wasn't happy about it but it was staying how it was written. Well, it started getting dark and the last game was going to be played under the lights. I thought that would be neat evidently player didn't think so. He stalled the game about 15 mins. trying to convince the other team it was too dark to play. Player caused such a scene that he followed my brother off the field and started yelling about it being too dangerous to play and just kept going until my brother kicked him off the field and told him that if he didn't leave immediately he would be forced to call the police. The other team was ready to play and did for a few more innings...until player's team forfieted saying it was just too dark to play. We later found out that player's team had been drinking all afternoon and was down 10 runs. By forfeiting the game they would still be in the winner's bracket and play early the next day. I got home around 9pm. I was so exhausted and my feet and side were so sore it took 4 pain pills to get me to sleep!

The next day was Sunday so games didn't begin until 1pm. They put a time limit on the games and came up with a 1 pitch rule, meaning that you only got 1 pitch, if it was a ball you walked to 1st base, a strike you were out, and of course if you hit it then you ran as fast and as far as you could. *G* I had to leave early to find a TV (I'll tell ya about that later) and go to a cookout with a friend of SB. I heard later that Player was on his best behavior all day but his team was not! A fist fight almost broke out midway through the last games! GROWN MEN were fighting over a ball GAME!!!!! It was unbelievable! My stepmom was laughing as she told me all about it. I know I shouldn't be suprised how some men behave but really it wasn't like they were playing for money or anything. It was just a trophy! It was a nice trophy but still in the grand scheme of things it was nothing to get that worked up over.

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