Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Baby Baby...

Remember I told you that I went to the Surgeon last week? And remember I told you he gave me ANOTHER prescription? Well, what I didn't tell you is that he also told me if this prescription works that I may wind up PREGNANT!!!! Dear Lord that's all I need! Can you imagine? Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I asked him why he dared say such a thing to me. Well it seems that the reason hubby and I haven't had a child during our 13 year marriage isn't due to our planned parenting skills....it's because of all the "girlie trouble" I've been having. Who knew that the hit and miss method really was that effective? When I told him of our grand planning he tried to give me a prescript for PRE NATAL VITAMINS! What is he trying to do? Give me a heartattack?!?! I told him I would have sugarbritches spade and nuetered ASAP! He said that I should because with the surgery and my weightloss (32lbs so far! Woohoo!!) My chances of getting preggers are getting higher and higher! I ran from the office screaming in horror!

Over dinner I mention calmly that I would be making an appt. for SB to get snipped and suprisingly he wasn't as excited about the possibility as I was. Oh, he doesn't want any more children but the thoughts of having a pair of scissors so near "the boys" wasn't as much fun as I was making it out to be! We have reached a compromise though....no sex until he gets clipped!

OK..... so that's not gonna last..... but I am checking on Dr.'s as we speak! *G*

1 comment:

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Congrats you YOUR weight loss there chickie!! WOO HOO to you too!!

Ok, to the big V. Bob had it done a few years ago and it was no big deal. Be sure to do it on a Thursday or Friday so he can rest over the long weekend. Follow ALL of the doctor's orders and relax, even if he feels like getting up and moving around, don't let him!!

I always wanted lots of kids, Bob didn't. I told him if he didn't he'd better get clipped because I wasn't going to do it and I just might get pregnant on purpose if he didn't. Plus, my insurance at the time only charged $10 for an office visit so we got his V done for $10! Then, if that wasn't amazing enough, the insurance paid the entire bill because his fee was less than the norm and we got our $10 back! YIPPEE! His V took and three years ago I had to have a hysterectomy so neither of us can populate the earth, but I think it is a good thing now that I'm losing more weight.