Thursday, August 04, 2005


Saw this on other blogs and thought I would try it can answer in the comments section or post a link to your blog so I can read it! *L*

1. Name a television theme song that describes you.
After checking out a few sites for Theme Songs... I think I came up with...
That 70s Show

Hangin' out
Down the street
The same old thing
We did last week.

Not a thing to do
But talk to you

Hello Wisconsin!

2. Are you more Katie, Matt, Ann, or Al?
I'd say Katie because it has been pointed out to me she likes to be the center of attention and do I! *L* Also she seems to be a warm and friendly person and I would like to think I am too!

3. What type of house pet would you be? dogs have it made!! I would probably be Buffy though...she rules the house and doesn't take any lip from the other dogs or us! *LOL*
4. Most embarrassing moment.
hhmmm...there are so many to choose from I will have to get back to you on that one!
5. The age old first of school question: What did you do over summer vacation
I went to the beach for Bike Week....cleaned house...worked on my scrapbooks....cleaned house...dreamed of going to WDW....worked on my diet!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

1 comment:

D said...

I knew when I set this blog up I would have no control over who read it...I do not consider myself a prude....however...I just want to let everyone be aware that I do not know the above person nor do I encourage anyone to view her website....especially in the presence of children! *L*