Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hope this works!

For some unknown reason my blog ate my last few entries! *G* They were wity, insightful, charming, and I am very sorry you missed them. *LOL*

Today is the last day I have to prepare for the Scrapbook Retreat I am hosting this weekend. I hope I can get all the last minute details completed. I also hope I can fit my clothes for the weekend somewhere in my van! No one wants to see a naked hostess...well not this naked hostess anyway! *LOL* Just so you will know how busy I will be is my TO-DO LIST:

1. Finish take care of that whole naked hostess thing...
2. Clean Bathroom
3. Pack clothes
4. Organize My Scrap Supplies
5. Organize van so my supplies will fit in there!
6. Get my Yard Sale stuff together & priced
7. Pay I'll know how much I can spend this weekend! *G*
8. Balance Checkbook...and then cry because I won't be able to spend much!
9. Go to P.O.
10. Find a Fed Ex drop off place
11. Get my nails done...right now I look like my hands have been in a grater
12. Make out grocery list and go to store...don't won't family to starve while I am gone...and apparently stepmonster only knows where Groc. store is when SHE wants something!
13.Finish Door Prize Board
14. Create Seating Chart
15. Create Sleeping Chart
16. Cry when I don't get all of this done because I have spent too much time on the web this morning! *L*

I will be back on Monday to tell you all about my weekend....I know you can't wait right? *LOL*

Have a great weekend and remember no matter how bad things get..someone..... somewhere.... is having to clean sewers for a living!

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