Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Gulf

I have so many mixed emotions about the situtation in the gulf. I do feel for those people! I can not imagine losing everything I own. And living paycheck to paycheck like we do I can totally understand how some would not be able to get out of the city...and please don't think I am a cold heartless %#@&*....but why didn't they heed the warnings more? I got the message and I live several states was on the news for days! BIG BAD STORM...GET OUT! I can also understand their frustation and heartbreak over those who had to stay and have been without food and water for several days....but....why are they stealing weapons, tv's, and other big ticket items? Even during the first day of the storm there were some people who were stealing...just because they could! I mean we didn't see that kind of thing when 9/11 happened! In NYC arguably the toughest/meanest city in the just didn't see the kind of thing like we see in New Orleans! Now I know not everyone was looting for monetary gain...some were just hungry...and I know there will be wonderful stories to eventually come out of good samaritans who have helped those in need....there already are...
Do I think the government did all they could in the beginning? I'm not sure....the niave part of me wants to say that they couldn't get was too dangerous...but then the intellegent part of me remembers that I wouldn't be seeing the devastation if reporters weren't getting through! I also agree with several people I saw on the news when they were asking how we could help soooo many other countries but we weren't helping our own people! I wonder that too! I have wondered that for a long time! Every Sunday morning when I see those infomercials about starving children in W.V. and other states I just want to scream! I am not saying everyone in America should be driving a Rolls Royce and living in a Mansion...but in this country...NO CHILD SHOULD BE GOING HUNGRY like that! I pray for those people I really do! I want the Lord to bless them w/ safety, food, water, comfort and mostly peace! I also pray for the poor doctors, police & firemen, and the rescue workers! They must just be exhausted! yet they keep on helping! Why can't the people see that there are SOME people who are helping and try to be as patient as they possibly can?
Oh and one more thing that I saw on the news that really just mad me beyond ANGRY! Some guy had the NERVE to say the reason that more help was not getting to New Orleans was because the population is mostly black! WHAT? Are they NUTS?!?!?! I am soooooo beyond sick of hearing how everyone is after the black man and he just can't get ahead! I do believe there is discrimination in the world...I do....but sometimes, you didn't get that job because you weren't qualified...sometimes you don't have money because you are on drugs...sometimes it's just bad decisions on your part...not some HUGE conspiracy against black people! The same goes for white people!
OK I am sorry I went on this long vent...usually I am such an upbeat person! Please, Please, Please give to the charity of your choice to help ALL the victims in the tragedy! And please pray for Mercy, Strength, Guidance, and Patience for the victims, the rescuers, our government and those who are doing their best to help in anyway they can!


LisaK said...

AMEN SISTER!!! I agree with EVERYTHING you just said in your post. I could have written it myself! Hugs to you! Keep on praying!

D said...

Thanks Lisa!