Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Senseless Tragedy

I have been watching the news the last few days and I can't help but wonder why? Why would this guy choose to handle whatever disappointment life sent his way by going on a killing spree? I also wonder when did people lose their coping mechanism? Does that question make sense? What I mean is when did our society start to think that the best way to handle, being made fun of, dumped, or just having an all around sucky life, is start shooting innocent people? I could almost understand if these shooters were targeting the people who hurt them, but in most instances the victims never knew the attacker.

On the flip side you have people who have truly suffered at the hands of those who supposedly love them. I think of those children who were locked up in cages, lived in their own excrement, etc. Most of those people go on to lead extraordinarily normal lives. Where did their strength come from? Maybe we should come up with video games like that. The object of the game would be to SURVIVE without doing harm to others! Imagine the concept! Maybe then people wouldn't look at killing innocent people as just another way to deal with their problems.

Remember to say a prayer for the families of all the victims in this tragedy as well as the parents of the shooter. I can only imagine the shame and pain they must feel.

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