Saturday, May 13, 2006

T - 30 hours.....

And the countdown has begun! *L*

Have I mentioned how ready I am to get to the beach? Well I am!

I have the last bit of laundry in the dryer....going to pack that when SB wakes up. Then the only thing will be to pack our toiletries in the morning! I printed out the directions to the beach house and have those on the counter, I have my camera ready, battery chargers for phone & Camera ready, food (non-paerishable) in the van, (which by the way I had professionally cleaned inside & out...because God knows I would never had been able to get it that clean on my own! *G*) I have left stepmonster detailed instructions on animal care, food in the house, and "company".

Speaking of Stepmonster, you are never gonna believe this, well I didn't anyway. She got up this morning and said "Since you are leaving in the morning, I wanted to give you your gift today". It wasn't ticking so I decided to open it....she got me a cute Bath & Body Works type lotion set and some new hair accesories. She said she noticed I was putting my hair up (it's getting longer than I am used to) and she thought I could use them. I was stunned she bought me anything and I told her thank you very much! Wonder how long the good times will last? *LOL*

Anyway, gotta dash! Need to call my mom and make sure we are still meeting for dinner tonight!

Ya'll have a great mother's day!

Catcha next week!

1 comment:

~ A P R I L ~ said...

Well, wonders never cease. Wait, do you think she put something IN the B&BW stuff? hehehehe

Oh, by the way, I'm back, aproka was hijacked so now it's, please fix your link if you still have me up!
