Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mother of the Year Awards...

We get all kinds of women who shop at "Chunky's"..... but here are 2 who should be up for "Mother of the Year"

Candidate #1

One busy Sat. a mom comes in w/ 3 children (ages roughly 10, 4, and 2). She looks around and ignores all the children while the oldest of the 3 tries to babysit the other 2. She (oldest) runs after the other 2 all over the store, trying to keep them from playing in the racks and basically destroying the store. She comes to me and asks to use our restroom, we are only allowed to let one person in at a time and since we already have someone in there I tell her she will have to wait a few minutes, she says OK and walks away. A minute later, my manager calls me to the front to let me know the 2yr. old has peed all over the floor. It looked like she had walked in a circle while letting it all out shall we say. Oldest child is really embarrassed and asks for a mop so she can clean it up. I get the mop, clean it up and set out the "Wet Floor" signs. "MOM" has yet to acknowledge the situation as she is too busy talking on the phone to realize what is going one w/ her own children. When she does figure out what is going on, instead of being embarrassed, or even apologizing, she yells at oldest and youngest for making the mess. I was dumbfounded! I would have been mortified first of all, and I would have volunteered to clean the mess and immediately left the store to change my poor child. Not this mom...there was shopping to be done...she stayed almost another hour in the store with the poor wet child crying the whole time that she wanted to changed clothes. We found out after she did leave that she had stolen a complete outfit....we found empty hangers where she had been standing in the corner that were not there before she came in. Class act!

Candidate #2

Mom comes in w/ small boy (probably 2 or 3 yrs old) She asks if he can use the restroom because he is learning to "potty" and she doesn't want an accident while she shops. GREAT! Sounds like she is on top of things. They go to the restroom and then begin shopping. They are in the store a good hour just roaming around. The little boy starts saying he needs to go potty.....she tells him to wait....he says again he really needs to go potty....she gets angry and yells at him to wait...this goes on for about 20 mins. I explain to her that I would be glad to let them in the restroom again if she needed. "No, he'll be fine...he just went" Now, before I explain what happened next...although I bet you can guess....let me just ask you, if he were potty training and was asking to go, shouldn't you take him every time he asked? Anyway, as I am sure you can guess the poor little guy had an accident. Mom laid into him like you wouldn't believe! Yelling at him that he should have waited and if he couldn't wait he should have told her! Poor kid HAD been telling her for almost 30 mins!

These are just two of the candidates so far this year and it's just Feb.!

Have you got a candidate for "Mom of the year"? Just let me know...

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