Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If you have an ATV and a DEATH WISH....

then come on down to NC and visit the Brown Mtn. ATV Park! Have mercy!

I thought with all my previous ATV experience.....remember I took my first ever ride Friday afternoon! I would be ready for the easy trails at the park. First of all, a man must have developed the map for this place. You could only get to the "easy" trails if you went along trail #1. Trail #1 was the MOST DIFFICULT TRAIL!!!!! I say it again... a man must have been the designer!

Let me see if I can adequately describe the horror that was my one and only trip up that God forsaken Mtn.......

I did have the sense to send Sugarbritches up first on a recon mission of sorts.... he basically said "you can do it....but go funny stuff!" (Excuse me, have we met? me do something funny w/ a motorized vehicle?) So, after a quick reminder of where the brakes were (yes I forgot...problem?) I was psyched to head up that hill. SB was leading and my brother was behind me to make sure I didn't fall off a cliff or something. I got maybe 6 feet before I had my first problem. I AM NOT KIDDING! I was expecting dirt trails.....I was NOT expecting rocks the size of small cars! I got stuck in a huge crevice and stopped dead.....I was leaning to one side of the ATV and my foot had fallen to the ground and I was afraid to move. My helpful brother started yelling at me to hit the gas. I was too scared to move let alone hit the gas! I kept yelling back at him that I was stuck and he kept yelling that I couldn't be...I was driving a 4WD vehicle! Finally he walked up and helped me get the wheels straight and told me to punch the gas. I told him I would if he would stand in front of me! *GRRR* OK, so it was a stellar moment for me but I recovered and made it another 100 yards or so before I freaked out again! I had to pull over to the side of the trail and let like 10 people go by me because I was going so slow! I think if I had gotten off and pushed it I would have gone faster! SB thought so too! He finally let me turn around and head back down to safety. It was horrible! Luckily SB was smart enough not to laugh at me because I've seen a few episodes of CSI and I am pretty sure I could have made it look like an accidental death.

Other than the horrific trail the day was actually pretty nice. We hung out with SB's friend from work (our Biker buddies *G*) and had a really nice visit. I am praying that the ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel isn't near that bad. If it is, you may hear the screams of panic across the ocean!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good that you still enjoyed the trip after the "horrific trail". If going through trails like the one you mentioned, it would be advisable to have a top of the line atv warn winch for a more efficient ride!