Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tagged by April

Top Ten Weird Things About Me:

1. I can touch my nose w/ my tongue. I can also curl and flip my tongue ( go ahead and try to do that...I'll wait)

2. I could read at age can ask my mom

3. I can't watch just one TV show at a time. I always change channels during commercials.

4. because of #3 I think I have "remote control thumb" My thumb has been cramping for a week now

5. I can not sleep unless I am covered up to my chin. I also have to have the ceiling fan on even in winter!

6. Ok...don't tell anyone...but I don't have a key to my house. I have lived here for more than 10yrs and I couldn't tell you the last time we locked the door!

7. Whenever I picture what the devil must look like Al Pacino always pops into my head. I have never been able to watch the Devil's Advocate all the way through because I truly believe that that is how the devil works.

8. My left foot is larger than my right

9. I am afraid to travel over bridges...not sure if it's a fear of heights or if I just think the bridge is going to collapse but I just get scared crossing bridges.

10. Christopher Walken (the actor) creeps me out!

Ok...let's see who will do this....I tag Jennifer, Lisa, and Amy

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