Friday, October 27, 2006

What do Carrot Top, Thieving Neighbors and a Good Friend have in common?

Why me of course! Are you new here? Everything is about me! *LOL*

First let me get to the Good Friend.....Hubby has worked with this guy for years, as a matter of fact when "The Great Co." sent hubby back to school he asked friend to go too. He & his girlfriend have been riding buddies and we've gone on vacation w/ them the last few years. Good people. I got a call today from good friend (hubby was asleep) who was a little bummed. It seems that he was offered a Day Shift job! ( I thought this was great news...he and hubby have worked nights almost the entire time they've worked at "The Great Co.") Friend was bummed because it would be an opposite shift from SB and he didn't want to take it. He was going to try to get someone to switch shifts with him so at least he & hubby would work the same days. Bless his heart! *G* When SB got up I told him what was going on and that he should call good friend. After talking a little bit SB said that he would take the 1st shift if it were him because who knows when the offer will come around again. Another guy in SB's dept. called and said he was going to 1st shift as well. Only on 8hrs though.....SB is next in line for 12hr day shift so we are just praying that comes soon!


Thieving Neighbor...not to be confused w/ Swinging a real piece of work. I used to like this guy, he is a heavy drinker but seems like a nice enough guy. Until yesterday...remember next door neighbor who moved out recently? Well, they had a building in their backyard (actually 2 bldgs, but SB & I bought one) and that thieving neighbor came in yesterday w/ a truck and STOLE the bldg.!!! Now I know #1 neighbor doesn't live there anymore but when that house is foreclosed on they will included the bldg. in the amount owed because it was included in the mortgage. So say the house & Bldg. were valued at $125,000...without bldg. it may sell for $115,000 and that would leave #1 neighbor still owing $10,000.... I think that's a $h!tty thing to do to #1 neighbor. And it stinks for new neighbor (whoever that may be) because they will have to buy a new bldg. I told SB today that the more I think about it the more I don't want to hang around these people. If they would do something like that to #1 neighbor what would stop them from doing something like that to us?


Carrot top....oh how I wish I were going to tell you the tale of that quirky, prop loving comedian.....but it's just not to be.

Yesterday I went to get my hair cut....can you tell where this is going?
Hairdresser: "Wanna try something fun for fall?"

Me: "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Hairdresser: "What if we added a few red streaks to your highlights?"

Me: "Sounds fun, and hey if I don't like it we can just fix it next time right?"

Hairdresser: "Let me get the chemicals ready....."


OK, so she adds the streaks...which she LOVES by the way, and she tells me the "red will get a little more dull by the end of the week"...and then she gives me a cute cut and shows me how to wear it a little more "dressy" for the cruise. I never noticed that the "RED" streaks were actually ORANGE until SB came in a looked at it! His comment..."Wow, going for the fall leaf look are we?" I could have cried! He said he actually likes the color just not the curly do.....thank goodness that washed right out! *LOL* But as I sit here the next day my hair has become more orange and brown that it was yesterday! SO if you see me out, please just ignore the hair...hopefully it will return to it's former glory in a few short weeks! And it better because I only have 28 more days until the CRUISE!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tagged by April

Top Ten Weird Things About Me:

1. I can touch my nose w/ my tongue. I can also curl and flip my tongue ( go ahead and try to do that...I'll wait)

2. I could read at age can ask my mom

3. I can't watch just one TV show at a time. I always change channels during commercials.

4. because of #3 I think I have "remote control thumb" My thumb has been cramping for a week now

5. I can not sleep unless I am covered up to my chin. I also have to have the ceiling fan on even in winter!

6. Ok...don't tell anyone...but I don't have a key to my house. I have lived here for more than 10yrs and I couldn't tell you the last time we locked the door!

7. Whenever I picture what the devil must look like Al Pacino always pops into my head. I have never been able to watch the Devil's Advocate all the way through because I truly believe that that is how the devil works.

8. My left foot is larger than my right

9. I am afraid to travel over bridges...not sure if it's a fear of heights or if I just think the bridge is going to collapse but I just get scared crossing bridges.

10. Christopher Walken (the actor) creeps me out!

Ok...let's see who will do this....I tag Jennifer, Lisa, and Amy

If you have an ATV and a DEATH WISH....

then come on down to NC and visit the Brown Mtn. ATV Park! Have mercy!

I thought with all my previous ATV experience.....remember I took my first ever ride Friday afternoon! I would be ready for the easy trails at the park. First of all, a man must have developed the map for this place. You could only get to the "easy" trails if you went along trail #1. Trail #1 was the MOST DIFFICULT TRAIL!!!!! I say it again... a man must have been the designer!

Let me see if I can adequately describe the horror that was my one and only trip up that God forsaken Mtn.......

I did have the sense to send Sugarbritches up first on a recon mission of sorts.... he basically said "you can do it....but go funny stuff!" (Excuse me, have we met? me do something funny w/ a motorized vehicle?) So, after a quick reminder of where the brakes were (yes I forgot...problem?) I was psyched to head up that hill. SB was leading and my brother was behind me to make sure I didn't fall off a cliff or something. I got maybe 6 feet before I had my first problem. I AM NOT KIDDING! I was expecting dirt trails.....I was NOT expecting rocks the size of small cars! I got stuck in a huge crevice and stopped dead.....I was leaning to one side of the ATV and my foot had fallen to the ground and I was afraid to move. My helpful brother started yelling at me to hit the gas. I was too scared to move let alone hit the gas! I kept yelling back at him that I was stuck and he kept yelling that I couldn't be...I was driving a 4WD vehicle! Finally he walked up and helped me get the wheels straight and told me to punch the gas. I told him I would if he would stand in front of me! *GRRR* OK, so it was a stellar moment for me but I recovered and made it another 100 yards or so before I freaked out again! I had to pull over to the side of the trail and let like 10 people go by me because I was going so slow! I think if I had gotten off and pushed it I would have gone faster! SB thought so too! He finally let me turn around and head back down to safety. It was horrible! Luckily SB was smart enough not to laugh at me because I've seen a few episodes of CSI and I am pretty sure I could have made it look like an accidental death.

Other than the horrific trail the day was actually pretty nice. We hung out with SB's friend from work (our Biker buddies *G*) and had a really nice visit. I am praying that the ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel isn't near that bad. If it is, you may hear the screams of panic across the ocean!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I'm a Redneck Woman....

I ain't no high class broad! *LOL* I've been singing that song in my head all afternoon!

The 4-wheeling adventure was so much fun! Sugarbritches road with me on my first trip around the trail...actually he road w/ me a few times but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. The only thing I kept forgetting was to let go of the gas when I changed gears! Glad I was holding on so tight! *G*

We are going to Brown Mtn. Park tomorrow for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of deep woods riding. I think I'm more excited than SB. Bless his heart, he worked over 4hrs this morning (7pm - 11am) and then he came over to watch me ride w/ only 3 hrs. sleep. Poor guy has crashed on the sofa with the dog curled up next to him. They make a sweet couple! Guess I should tell him to head to bed. We've been invited to breakfast early in the morning. He'll need his beauty rest so he won't be so grumpy tomorrow!

Ya'll have a great Saturday and if I can figure out how to upload pics, I'll show you how much fun we had!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Life Insurance paid up.....CHECK!

Well, it had to happen some time! I come from a long line of red-neck and white trash people. (Wanna know how I can tell the difference? Rednecks will give you the shirt off their back. White trash will steal your pants while you are looking for a shirt! *G*) At any rate, coming from this colorful background I should be ashamed to make this next statement. I have never been on a 4-wheeler (ATV for you non-southerners)!!! Shocking I know! Well that's all going to change tomorrow! Since I have booked an ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel, I thought it might be wise to learn how to operate such a vehicle before the trip. My dad is all excited to teach me! *G* My stepmom is coming to record the event for posterity (translation: BLACKMAIL) Dad said we would take it slow on Friday but if I did well, then we will go on some great trails at Brown Mtn. Park. I am looking forward to it if for no other reason than I will get some great fall leaf photos while we are out there.

October is shaping up to be a very adventurous month for me. Next weekend I will be attending the Hot-Air Balloon Rally in Statesville, NC. and I hope to be able to hitch a ride on one! I've never been in a hot-air balloon and even if I just get a tethered rope ride at least I can mark that off my "25 Things to do before I turn 50" list! *G*

And to top off this ever so adventurous month, I will be attending the neighborhood Halloween Party at my swinging neighbors' house! Don't you wish you were me? *L* Sugarbritches and I have been looking at the Party City Catalog for costumes.....I told him to go as a Kissing Booth but he was afraid of what he might catch over there! I was going to go as a nun but he said that was a little reduntant....since he "ain't gettin' nun" until his surgery! Oh, that SB, he's a riot ain't he? *G*

As a side note to that..I lost another 3lbs according to the Dr.! (woohoo!) 65 more and SB is under the knife! I've been singing Rod Stewart's hit "The First Cut is the Deepest" every time I see him!

That's not insensitive is it?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Baby Baby...

Remember I told you that I went to the Surgeon last week? And remember I told you he gave me ANOTHER prescription? Well, what I didn't tell you is that he also told me if this prescription works that I may wind up PREGNANT!!!! Dear Lord that's all I need! Can you imagine? Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I asked him why he dared say such a thing to me. Well it seems that the reason hubby and I haven't had a child during our 13 year marriage isn't due to our planned parenting's because of all the "girlie trouble" I've been having. Who knew that the hit and miss method really was that effective? When I told him of our grand planning he tried to give me a prescript for PRE NATAL VITAMINS! What is he trying to do? Give me a heartattack?!?! I told him I would have sugarbritches spade and nuetered ASAP! He said that I should because with the surgery and my weightloss (32lbs so far! Woohoo!!) My chances of getting preggers are getting higher and higher! I ran from the office screaming in horror!

Over dinner I mention calmly that I would be making an appt. for SB to get snipped and suprisingly he wasn't as excited about the possibility as I was. Oh, he doesn't want any more children but the thoughts of having a pair of scissors so near "the boys" wasn't as much fun as I was making it out to be! We have reached a compromise sex until he gets clipped!

OK..... so that's not gonna last..... but I am checking on Dr.'s as we speak! *G*

Not digging the new look

of the blog...may make more changes.

It's been another busy weekend at the bay. Fall Festival at church...good BBQ, bad planning...makes for one tired me! *L*

Planning my next vacation has taken up a considerable amount of my time lately. I am getting ready to go on a cruise! I've never been on a cruise ship and I'm a little nervous. (See my previous post about the dolphin cruise and you'll see why.) When I go to family Dr. next Thurs. I am going to have him prescribe me something for motion sickness...just in case.

More info on cruise..... We are leaving Charleston on Nov. 25th and heading to Grand Caymen, Cozumel and Key West. We will return to Charleston on Dec. 2nd. I am so flipping excited! Although I don't have to have a passport yet ( that changes in Jan.) This will be the farthest I have ever traveled. I have been stalking....I mean reading posts..... on for weeks now trying to find out the best way to get the most out of this trip. Who knows if I'll ever get to go back to these places ya know?

This is what I have come up with so far....Sugarbritches and I are going to snorkle & feed sting rays in GrandCaymen, then in Cozumel we will be riding an ATV through the Mexican Jungle to see Mayan Ruins, and finally we will be parasailing in KeyWest....I think we have it timed so that we will be in the air at sunset. *WOW* Can you imagine?

I already have so many "To-Do" lists going that I may just need to be medicated before we leave. There are so many things to take care of! The most pressing thing at the moment is getting a certified copy of my Birth Certificate. I have done a little shopping for myself (thank goodness for clearance rack at Avenue!!*G*) SB needs a few things, I'll need another memory stick for my camera....cause I KNOW I'll take more than 100 pics that week! I'll also need to get film for SB's underwater camera....and this list goes on!

Well, I'm off the bed now....thank goodness SB works nights! *G*

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Something to make you smile

Check out this Wendy's training video *LOL* I can only imagine the meeting that decided this was a good idea!

4 out of 5 Dr's agree

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Too many Dr. appts. and too much life I guess. According to all Drs. I've seen (except the surgeon oddly enough) they agree that I have gotten some kind of staph infection from my surgery. It is starting to clear up after several rounds of antibiotics so I may not lose that leg after all! *L* I saw the surgeon today who gave me ANOTHER prescription and he said that he still thinks I got bite by a spider! His theory is that I would not have gotten staph on my legs because he didn't operate on my legs. Makes sense but still doesn't explain how I would not realize I had gotten bit 9 times on different occasions! Oh well, I don't have another Dr. appt for 2 whole weeks so maybe I'll have more time to write.