Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Ya'll!!

I know I haven't posted in the last few weeks. I have so much to tell you but didn't want to ruin your holiday w/ all my drama! *L* Things are looking up for now though!!

I just wanted to take some time to wish all of you out there a very Peaceful and Love filled Christmas! Take a minute to remember why we really celebrate this time of year!

I promise I'll be back in a few days to catch you up on the never ending saga at the Memory Bay!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Today is Whiney Weds. the day set aside the whine and moan about all our woes.

1. There is so much drama going on w/ stepmonster right not that I haven't had a chance to blog....I have several posts in the draft section....

2. I am just dying to show you guys pics from the cruise but can't get them loaded on here for some reason!

3. I am home from the cruise.... I really want to go back! *G*

4. There are only 12 mroe days until Christmas and I'm not finished w/ my shopping!

5. MIL just asked me to host annual Christmas Dinner and my house is a wreck!

6. Instead of shopping this weekend, I'll be cleaning like a mad woman!

7. My mom asked me AGAIN when I'll be finished with her scrapbook....what is her problem? I've only had the pics for about 5 years! *LOL* I really need to get that thing finished! I'm such a bad daughter!

8. I have about 400 pics so far from the cruise that I need to sort through and put in scrapbooks.

9. I still have another 200 or so to get developed! My memory stick runneth over! *EEK*

10. And finally, I feel like a jerk for complaining when my life is a lot better than so many other people. I really need a attitude adjustment!

here's hoping that by the weekend I'll at least have some of this list taken care of so I won't have so much to complain about next week!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thirteen Thursday...Part 2

Thirteen Things I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving!

1. Sugarbritches...he may be hard to get along with sometimes, but I think it would be harder to get along without him

2. My extended family & the fact that most live close by...don't know what I would do without them

3. My job...easy work, great bosses, flexible schedule!

4. This may seem minor to some but, I am thankful for starting to lose weight! This has been a long hard battle and I am just now starting to see some results.

5. My friends, What I lack in Quantity I make up for in Quality *G*

6. My health, I have completely recovered from the surgery and am feeling great!

7. My church family. They have been so supportive of me and my family and I know that I am loved!

8. Scrapbooking. Again some of you may not understand but it has given me a way to remember all the great times I've had and it also helps me to remember those loved ones we've lost in recent years.

9. That I have the opportunity to travel as much as I do. I may not go to exotic locations but growing up as poor as I did I am just thankful that I can afford to get away at all.

10. I'm thankful for Stepmonster. I know that's a shock! *G* But even though we still aren't getting along, I love her...most of the time

11. I'm thankful for my love of reading. I know so many people who don't read well and I am just grateful that God gave me the love of reading early...

12. I'm thankful that even though I make great big mistakes almost daily, God loves me no matter what!

13. And last but not least, I'm thankful that people I've never met come here to read about my boring little life. I hope what you read brings a smile to your face.


I'll tell you all about the cruise next week! Pray the ship doesn't sink and I don't get sick! *L*

Thirteen Thursday... Part 1

There will be 2 editions of Thirteen Thursday today...Enjoy! *G*

13 Things to do before leaving for the Cruise!

1. Finish Stepmom's travel journal
2. Make a travel journal for myself!
3. Get all laundry finished
4. Finish Packing
5. Get directions to Hotel in Charleston
6. Make sure Sugarbritches has everything he needs packed
7. Make sure happy pills and allergy medicine are packed!
8. Clean out van
9. Pack everything in van...make room for in-laws luggage! *G*
10.Run last minute errands for dinner
11.Make sure all paperwork is in order (B.C's, excursion info, cruise tickets,etc)
12.Don't forget battery chargers for cell and camera
13.Try to get some sleep tonight!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sugarbritches is trying to Kill me!

*EDIT* This post was originally written on Nov. 14th but I forgot to post it! DDOOHH!

I am sure SB is trying to kill me.

My bosses gave me the day off today and I thought I'd spend a little extra time at the Y in hopes of shedding another pound or two hundred before the cruise. I walked on the treadmill...did some 100lb. leg presses...few arm exercises...and then got on the elliptical from H&LL. Two hours into it and I was doing great! Then SB came in and asked if I would like to go on a little hike to the South Mtn. waterfall. Now, I vaguely remember the last time I went to this waterfall but I do remember almost needing the rescue team to haul my big butt out of there. But...I've been exercising and building up my strength so I should be fine.....right?

My legs started hurting on the drive TO the trail...this should have been a warning....I took my camera along and was doing great for about 3/4 of the 1.2 mile hike to the waterfall. Did I mention it was an uphill hike? Rocky terrain...wet times! I was about 300 feet from the falls when I hit "the wall" (you know the point where you just don't think you can take another step?) I know it was 300' because I counted ever step! Finally I crawled up to the lookout area and in between pants and gulps for air I took some great pics. After a few minutes of resting, SB was ready to head back down. Coming down was much easier so I decided I could walk around a little more before we headed to his truck. Did I mention the leg presses and my legs hurting....well SB has a truck that is so high that on a good day I can barely climb in can see where this is going can't you? I was sure we were going to have to borrow a crane to get me into the truck or I was just going to have to live in the forest forever. I was sooo sore! I finally crawled up in the truck and groaned and moaned all the way home. I could hardly walk that night or the next morning. SB said it wasn't the hike that had me so sore but that I had been using too much weight at the Y. Of course he would say that...NOW...AFTER I was ready to die. Where was he when I was feeling froggy enough to add more weight to my routine huh?

been a long time.....

I hate to keep saying it...but it's been another busy week at the Bay. Nothing exciting to report, just alot of errands and such. I'm still trying to get everything packed for our fabulous vacation! I can hardly wait to get out of town! Four more days and I'll be Charleston Bound! I still need to pick up a few things and pack a few things but I think for the most part I am ready! The only hold up has been getting our Ship Documents from our Travel Agent. She said she mailed them last Monday. They are coming from Alabama....and I know things go at a slower pace down here in the South but even the Pony Express could have gotten them here by now!

Sunday was the day of food! We had a church-wide Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal right after service Sunday morning. After coming home and falling into a Turkey coma for an hour (I couldn't believe I got to do that!) We headed over to my Dad's for our Family get together. More food, more fun w/ flying squirrels and then home again. "Flying Squirrels" you ask? Well, it seems my nephew (Steve Irwim wannabe) has just recently acquired a flying squirrel which he brought to Thanksgiving dinner! Oh yeah. Only in the south! This is the same kid who has an iguana, and a blue tip lizard in his bedroom! God Bless his mom! I would just be creeped out but she seems to handle it all in stride. It was kind of cute to watch the little guy jump from one family member to another....from a safe distance of course....because let's face is just a rodent w/ fur after all! I have one more family obligation this week and then it's 2 days of final preparation and then we are off! I hope you guys all have a great Thanksgiving and I hope you have safe travels wherever you go!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm Bored and since misery loves company......

Your Hair Should Be Pink

Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun.

You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow.

Neighborhood Saga continues....

Don't you just love drama? neither!

Weds. came home from conference and saw an email from old seems that they were worried that Sugarbritches and I were upset with them because #2 neighbor stole their building. HUH? They thought that maybe we would think they actually gave him the building after they sold us their smaller building. I guess SB and I are just odd because it never occurred to us to be upset at them for being ROBBED!!!!! Anyway, after I explained that we weren't upset she proceeded to tell us more of the BD (Bldg. Drama) Let me see if I can get all this straight. Old Neighbor repeatedly tried to contact #2 neighbor and tell them to move bldg. back or they would have to report it stolen. #2 neighbor finally returns call and says "You gave it to me...I have witnesses to that affect, I paid someone $100 to move it across the street, good luck getting it back" So Old Neighbor thought that they would have to actually call the police and see what would happen. They were very upset about it because they really didn't want it to go that far. They liked #2 neighbor at one time and well, no one really wants to call the police on someone they know right? I came home on Thurs. to see a moving truck carrying the bldg. back to Old Neighbor's yard. I guess #2 decided that they might actually call the police and he didn't need the grief! I think I felt bad for moving man the most...he couldn't get it back exactly where it came from even after he spent nearly 2 hours trying! Poor guy finally gave up and left it!

Hopefully all this will blow over soon and I can go back to just having swinging neighbors who apparently love everyone! :-)

Friday, November 03, 2006

What a Bummer!

I was so excited about going on a Hot Air Balloon ride this past weekend... I guess you can tell from the title how that worked out.

Sat. I had a church golf tournament to help with and then I was told it was too windy and the Balloons probably wouldn't go up anyway. So I thought I would go Sunday had a tupperware party (I didn't even know people still did this *G*). Of course I had to go to that because I couldn't tell her I was doing something w/ stepmom AGAIN! As it turns out, Stepmom went and the balloons were grounded anyway.

Ok, so I didn't get to go over the worries a local church was having a fall festival on Halloween Night and they were having balloon rides.... I would just go there....see where this is going? Darn Wind! So another year without a balloon ride!

Oh and since I went to try to ride a balloon, I missed the neighborhood party! So all that exciting stuff I thought would happen didn't....oh well.

Maybe Nov. will be more exciting! Actually it BETTER be considering I leave for the cruise 3 weeks from today! WOOHOO!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

What do Carrot Top, Thieving Neighbors and a Good Friend have in common?

Why me of course! Are you new here? Everything is about me! *LOL*

First let me get to the Good Friend.....Hubby has worked with this guy for years, as a matter of fact when "The Great Co." sent hubby back to school he asked friend to go too. He & his girlfriend have been riding buddies and we've gone on vacation w/ them the last few years. Good people. I got a call today from good friend (hubby was asleep) who was a little bummed. It seems that he was offered a Day Shift job! ( I thought this was great news...he and hubby have worked nights almost the entire time they've worked at "The Great Co.") Friend was bummed because it would be an opposite shift from SB and he didn't want to take it. He was going to try to get someone to switch shifts with him so at least he & hubby would work the same days. Bless his heart! *G* When SB got up I told him what was going on and that he should call good friend. After talking a little bit SB said that he would take the 1st shift if it were him because who knows when the offer will come around again. Another guy in SB's dept. called and said he was going to 1st shift as well. Only on 8hrs though.....SB is next in line for 12hr day shift so we are just praying that comes soon!


Thieving Neighbor...not to be confused w/ Swinging a real piece of work. I used to like this guy, he is a heavy drinker but seems like a nice enough guy. Until yesterday...remember next door neighbor who moved out recently? Well, they had a building in their backyard (actually 2 bldgs, but SB & I bought one) and that thieving neighbor came in yesterday w/ a truck and STOLE the bldg.!!! Now I know #1 neighbor doesn't live there anymore but when that house is foreclosed on they will included the bldg. in the amount owed because it was included in the mortgage. So say the house & Bldg. were valued at $125,000...without bldg. it may sell for $115,000 and that would leave #1 neighbor still owing $10,000.... I think that's a $h!tty thing to do to #1 neighbor. And it stinks for new neighbor (whoever that may be) because they will have to buy a new bldg. I told SB today that the more I think about it the more I don't want to hang around these people. If they would do something like that to #1 neighbor what would stop them from doing something like that to us?


Carrot top....oh how I wish I were going to tell you the tale of that quirky, prop loving comedian.....but it's just not to be.

Yesterday I went to get my hair cut....can you tell where this is going?
Hairdresser: "Wanna try something fun for fall?"

Me: "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Hairdresser: "What if we added a few red streaks to your highlights?"

Me: "Sounds fun, and hey if I don't like it we can just fix it next time right?"

Hairdresser: "Let me get the chemicals ready....."


OK, so she adds the streaks...which she LOVES by the way, and she tells me the "red will get a little more dull by the end of the week"...and then she gives me a cute cut and shows me how to wear it a little more "dressy" for the cruise. I never noticed that the "RED" streaks were actually ORANGE until SB came in a looked at it! His comment..."Wow, going for the fall leaf look are we?" I could have cried! He said he actually likes the color just not the curly do.....thank goodness that washed right out! *LOL* But as I sit here the next day my hair has become more orange and brown that it was yesterday! SO if you see me out, please just ignore the hair...hopefully it will return to it's former glory in a few short weeks! And it better because I only have 28 more days until the CRUISE!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tagged by April

Top Ten Weird Things About Me:

1. I can touch my nose w/ my tongue. I can also curl and flip my tongue ( go ahead and try to do that...I'll wait)

2. I could read at age can ask my mom

3. I can't watch just one TV show at a time. I always change channels during commercials.

4. because of #3 I think I have "remote control thumb" My thumb has been cramping for a week now

5. I can not sleep unless I am covered up to my chin. I also have to have the ceiling fan on even in winter!

6. Ok...don't tell anyone...but I don't have a key to my house. I have lived here for more than 10yrs and I couldn't tell you the last time we locked the door!

7. Whenever I picture what the devil must look like Al Pacino always pops into my head. I have never been able to watch the Devil's Advocate all the way through because I truly believe that that is how the devil works.

8. My left foot is larger than my right

9. I am afraid to travel over bridges...not sure if it's a fear of heights or if I just think the bridge is going to collapse but I just get scared crossing bridges.

10. Christopher Walken (the actor) creeps me out!

Ok...let's see who will do this....I tag Jennifer, Lisa, and Amy

If you have an ATV and a DEATH WISH....

then come on down to NC and visit the Brown Mtn. ATV Park! Have mercy!

I thought with all my previous ATV experience.....remember I took my first ever ride Friday afternoon! I would be ready for the easy trails at the park. First of all, a man must have developed the map for this place. You could only get to the "easy" trails if you went along trail #1. Trail #1 was the MOST DIFFICULT TRAIL!!!!! I say it again... a man must have been the designer!

Let me see if I can adequately describe the horror that was my one and only trip up that God forsaken Mtn.......

I did have the sense to send Sugarbritches up first on a recon mission of sorts.... he basically said "you can do it....but go funny stuff!" (Excuse me, have we met? me do something funny w/ a motorized vehicle?) So, after a quick reminder of where the brakes were (yes I forgot...problem?) I was psyched to head up that hill. SB was leading and my brother was behind me to make sure I didn't fall off a cliff or something. I got maybe 6 feet before I had my first problem. I AM NOT KIDDING! I was expecting dirt trails.....I was NOT expecting rocks the size of small cars! I got stuck in a huge crevice and stopped dead.....I was leaning to one side of the ATV and my foot had fallen to the ground and I was afraid to move. My helpful brother started yelling at me to hit the gas. I was too scared to move let alone hit the gas! I kept yelling back at him that I was stuck and he kept yelling that I couldn't be...I was driving a 4WD vehicle! Finally he walked up and helped me get the wheels straight and told me to punch the gas. I told him I would if he would stand in front of me! *GRRR* OK, so it was a stellar moment for me but I recovered and made it another 100 yards or so before I freaked out again! I had to pull over to the side of the trail and let like 10 people go by me because I was going so slow! I think if I had gotten off and pushed it I would have gone faster! SB thought so too! He finally let me turn around and head back down to safety. It was horrible! Luckily SB was smart enough not to laugh at me because I've seen a few episodes of CSI and I am pretty sure I could have made it look like an accidental death.

Other than the horrific trail the day was actually pretty nice. We hung out with SB's friend from work (our Biker buddies *G*) and had a really nice visit. I am praying that the ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel isn't near that bad. If it is, you may hear the screams of panic across the ocean!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I'm a Redneck Woman....

I ain't no high class broad! *LOL* I've been singing that song in my head all afternoon!

The 4-wheeling adventure was so much fun! Sugarbritches road with me on my first trip around the trail...actually he road w/ me a few times but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. The only thing I kept forgetting was to let go of the gas when I changed gears! Glad I was holding on so tight! *G*

We are going to Brown Mtn. Park tomorrow for a picnic lunch and an afternoon of deep woods riding. I think I'm more excited than SB. Bless his heart, he worked over 4hrs this morning (7pm - 11am) and then he came over to watch me ride w/ only 3 hrs. sleep. Poor guy has crashed on the sofa with the dog curled up next to him. They make a sweet couple! Guess I should tell him to head to bed. We've been invited to breakfast early in the morning. He'll need his beauty rest so he won't be so grumpy tomorrow!

Ya'll have a great Saturday and if I can figure out how to upload pics, I'll show you how much fun we had!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Life Insurance paid up.....CHECK!

Well, it had to happen some time! I come from a long line of red-neck and white trash people. (Wanna know how I can tell the difference? Rednecks will give you the shirt off their back. White trash will steal your pants while you are looking for a shirt! *G*) At any rate, coming from this colorful background I should be ashamed to make this next statement. I have never been on a 4-wheeler (ATV for you non-southerners)!!! Shocking I know! Well that's all going to change tomorrow! Since I have booked an ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel, I thought it might be wise to learn how to operate such a vehicle before the trip. My dad is all excited to teach me! *G* My stepmom is coming to record the event for posterity (translation: BLACKMAIL) Dad said we would take it slow on Friday but if I did well, then we will go on some great trails at Brown Mtn. Park. I am looking forward to it if for no other reason than I will get some great fall leaf photos while we are out there.

October is shaping up to be a very adventurous month for me. Next weekend I will be attending the Hot-Air Balloon Rally in Statesville, NC. and I hope to be able to hitch a ride on one! I've never been in a hot-air balloon and even if I just get a tethered rope ride at least I can mark that off my "25 Things to do before I turn 50" list! *G*

And to top off this ever so adventurous month, I will be attending the neighborhood Halloween Party at my swinging neighbors' house! Don't you wish you were me? *L* Sugarbritches and I have been looking at the Party City Catalog for costumes.....I told him to go as a Kissing Booth but he was afraid of what he might catch over there! I was going to go as a nun but he said that was a little reduntant....since he "ain't gettin' nun" until his surgery! Oh, that SB, he's a riot ain't he? *G*

As a side note to that..I lost another 3lbs according to the Dr.! (woohoo!) 65 more and SB is under the knife! I've been singing Rod Stewart's hit "The First Cut is the Deepest" every time I see him!

That's not insensitive is it?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Baby Baby...

Remember I told you that I went to the Surgeon last week? And remember I told you he gave me ANOTHER prescription? Well, what I didn't tell you is that he also told me if this prescription works that I may wind up PREGNANT!!!! Dear Lord that's all I need! Can you imagine? Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I asked him why he dared say such a thing to me. Well it seems that the reason hubby and I haven't had a child during our 13 year marriage isn't due to our planned parenting's because of all the "girlie trouble" I've been having. Who knew that the hit and miss method really was that effective? When I told him of our grand planning he tried to give me a prescript for PRE NATAL VITAMINS! What is he trying to do? Give me a heartattack?!?! I told him I would have sugarbritches spade and nuetered ASAP! He said that I should because with the surgery and my weightloss (32lbs so far! Woohoo!!) My chances of getting preggers are getting higher and higher! I ran from the office screaming in horror!

Over dinner I mention calmly that I would be making an appt. for SB to get snipped and suprisingly he wasn't as excited about the possibility as I was. Oh, he doesn't want any more children but the thoughts of having a pair of scissors so near "the boys" wasn't as much fun as I was making it out to be! We have reached a compromise sex until he gets clipped!

OK..... so that's not gonna last..... but I am checking on Dr.'s as we speak! *G*

Not digging the new look

of the blog...may make more changes.

It's been another busy weekend at the bay. Fall Festival at church...good BBQ, bad planning...makes for one tired me! *L*

Planning my next vacation has taken up a considerable amount of my time lately. I am getting ready to go on a cruise! I've never been on a cruise ship and I'm a little nervous. (See my previous post about the dolphin cruise and you'll see why.) When I go to family Dr. next Thurs. I am going to have him prescribe me something for motion sickness...just in case.

More info on cruise..... We are leaving Charleston on Nov. 25th and heading to Grand Caymen, Cozumel and Key West. We will return to Charleston on Dec. 2nd. I am so flipping excited! Although I don't have to have a passport yet ( that changes in Jan.) This will be the farthest I have ever traveled. I have been stalking....I mean reading posts..... on for weeks now trying to find out the best way to get the most out of this trip. Who knows if I'll ever get to go back to these places ya know?

This is what I have come up with so far....Sugarbritches and I are going to snorkle & feed sting rays in GrandCaymen, then in Cozumel we will be riding an ATV through the Mexican Jungle to see Mayan Ruins, and finally we will be parasailing in KeyWest....I think we have it timed so that we will be in the air at sunset. *WOW* Can you imagine?

I already have so many "To-Do" lists going that I may just need to be medicated before we leave. There are so many things to take care of! The most pressing thing at the moment is getting a certified copy of my Birth Certificate. I have done a little shopping for myself (thank goodness for clearance rack at Avenue!!*G*) SB needs a few things, I'll need another memory stick for my camera....cause I KNOW I'll take more than 100 pics that week! I'll also need to get film for SB's underwater camera....and this list goes on!

Well, I'm off the bed now....thank goodness SB works nights! *G*

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Something to make you smile

Check out this Wendy's training video *LOL* I can only imagine the meeting that decided this was a good idea!

4 out of 5 Dr's agree

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Too many Dr. appts. and too much life I guess. According to all Drs. I've seen (except the surgeon oddly enough) they agree that I have gotten some kind of staph infection from my surgery. It is starting to clear up after several rounds of antibiotics so I may not lose that leg after all! *L* I saw the surgeon today who gave me ANOTHER prescription and he said that he still thinks I got bite by a spider! His theory is that I would not have gotten staph on my legs because he didn't operate on my legs. Makes sense but still doesn't explain how I would not realize I had gotten bit 9 times on different occasions! Oh well, I don't have another Dr. appt for 2 whole weeks so maybe I'll have more time to write.

Monday, September 25, 2006

This is quality research!

Recent research shows that there are 7 kinds of sex:

The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex. This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue in the face.

The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a short time and you are so horny you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen.

The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine and you usually have sex only in your bedroom.

The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say "screw you."

The 5th kind of sex is called: Catholic Sex, which means you get Nun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night.

The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in front of everyone.

And last, but not least, the 7th kind of sex is called: Social Security Sex. You get a little from time-to-time, but not enough to live on

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weekend update

Last Tues. was stepmom's B-day. She wanted to take a ride on the Catawba Queen to celebrate. The Catawba Queen is a Riverboat that will take you on a 2 hour tour along Lake Norman. We decided to do the lunch cruise and to change things up a bit we invited all the hubbies to join us. It was a fun little trip. While we cruised around admiring all the lovely homes, they served lunch and gave a brief history of the area. It was interesting and a fun way to spend the afternoon. Several people in our party thought about coming back for the Luau Cruise. It looked to be a fun night! SB suggested they build a hotel nearby so people who "enjoyed the party" a little too much could just crash there instead of trying to drive home. Only he would think that was needed! *G*

After leaving the men to find their own way home, stepmom, SIL and I went to the Scrapbook store. There was so much new stuff I still don't know if I saw it all! I love looking at all the new paper, embellishments and stuff. And let's face it I love buying all of it. The only problem comes when I have so much stuff at home that by the time I get around to using it, it's already out of style! *G* I am going to set a goal to not buy anything else until I have used at least 10 different things from my stash! Wish me luck!

After shopping, we came home and decided to go out to dinner....guess we just didn't spend enough money that day! We went to Texas Roadhouse and although it was good and the company was fun, I was so ready to come home and just chill out.


Today was a normal Sunday meaning that I was up at 7:30 to get ready for church. Afterwards we went to lunch...again! Wonder where all my Cruise savings are going? Anyway, I am home now catching up on emails and such and listening to the Carolina Panthers game. Bless 'em! I hope they finally win one today! SB has gone to softball practice...which the team DESPERATELY needs! They are currently 0-4. But they all say they are having fun so I guess that is the most important thing. I am just glad SB is enjoying himself. He is still in a fairly good mood so anything that encourages that is great for me! *L*

Hope you all have a great week.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Too much..

There has been too much going on this week to complain about....more Dr.'s....more infection.....almost lost my get the idea.

But to take my mind off all that my friend sent me this....I only missed 2...tell me how well you do!

This intelligence test will blow your mind. It really does give a good indication of your intellect. So if you are afraid of knowing the truth, do not try it.

Click here to start the intelligence test

Saturday, September 16, 2006

30 Things....

Subject Survey time!

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought? Did I really go outside looking like this?

2. When is the next time you will have sex? Probably when the infection heals up! *G*

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"? luck

4. Favorite planet? Seeing as that this is the only one I've been too, I'll vote for Earth

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? that would require finding my phone...but I would say my Dad

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? Well the only one I have is "Hello Moto!"

7. What shirt are you wearing? Navy blue T-shirt

8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago? Watching "Inside the Towers"

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? New Balance

10. Bright or Dark Room? bright

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey? Well I am the one taking the survery so I guess she's alright! *L*

12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? the one without the dog in it!

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting ready for bed!

14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? I don't text msg.

15. How do you like your eggs? scrambled

16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot? Have fun!

17.Who told you he/she loved you last? Sugarbritches

18. Last furry thing you touched? My dog

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? prescription - 3...street drugs - none!

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?I have a bowl of old film that needs to be's truly sad!

21. Favorite age you have been so far? 17 - had great friends and was getting ready to graduate HS!

22. Your worst enemy? weight!

23. What is your current desktop picture? Work computer - Beach Scene Home Computer - Moon

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? I told the dog to get out of the way....does that count?

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly which one would you pick?million for sure. A million bucks, I could then afford to fly!

26. Do you like someone? I like a lot of someones! *G*.

27The last song you listened to? "Sweet Home Alabama"

28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would you do? Push her down

29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be? Not usually the violent sort but if I HAD to punch someone....well I'll give you 3 guesses *G*

30. What is the closest object to your left foot? the shoe I just kicked off!

Now it's your turn! Answer all the questions in the comments section or post a link to your blog and I'll check them out there!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Flight 93

I just watched Dateline's 9-11 special concerning those brave men and women from Flight 93. It still moves me to hear the stories of those "ordinary" people who knew they were going to die but refused to be a part of causing other innocent lives to be lost. God Bless them and their families.

I remember my dad calling me that morning to ask if I had heard that a plane had flown into the WTC. He said that he didn't think it was an accident and I just couldn't believe it. I told him that no way would someone intentionally do that! I quickly turned the TV to one of the local stations and watched as the second plane flew into the building. I sat by the TV all day and night and just could not believe what I was seeing. Those poor people who made the decision to awful it must have been to think that was a better option. I watched the documentary again last night about the Firemen who were first on the scene. In the video you can hear the bodies crashing to the ground. How those men stayed focused on their job is beyond me. Of course, I heard several other stories of men and women who helped others out the buildings and on the streets and it makes me wonder if I would have had the wherewithal and strength to do that.

In 2003 I went to NY with my family and we went to Ground Zero. I have pictures of the names of those who died and the buildings surrounding the site. I also have pictures of the sphere that was moved to Battery Park as a memorial. I still have not put those pics in my scrapbook. I feel like I am no where near talented enough to do them justice. We saw the small church across the street where so many rescue workers went for rest and prayer and it was so small. That is what has stuck with my stepmom and I.....just how small the hole was. I mean it was huge but not what I would have thought it would be...7 buildings in such a tight area. So many people lost. Which reminds me of all the stories of those people who were running late, or whatever else kept them from being in the towers at a time they normally would have been. As hard as it is to understand it just proves to me that God knew who was going to be there and even though it was a tragedy it was still in His plan. I don't pretend to understand why some things happen like this but I do pray that I remember who ultimately is in control.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ahhhh.. Nice

What a lovely weekend. Nothing overly exciting but it was just nice spending some quality time w/ sugarbritches. I told him Sunday that I didn't realize how much he must have missed spending time with me until this weekend. He was an absolute pleasure to be around all weekend!

Friday afternoon we went to the Y to work out and since he got there before me I stayed a little longer while he went to rent us a couple of movies. We grilled some burgers and sat down to watch "The Sentinel" and "Final Destination 3" Both were pretty good but we laughed out loud at the way we change the fate of the characters on FD3. If you get the chance rent this movie just for that option. *G*

Saturday we went to help out at the church for a little while and then came home to shower and head out the Morganton Fall Festival. That's the great thing about living in the south in the Fall. There is always a fair or festival going on within driving distance. I had been wanting to go to the Festival since I heard that Billy Corrington was going to be there...can you say YUM? But I didn't think SB would want to get into all that crowd so I didn't say anything until he mentioned not wanting to do the "same old same old" When he agreed to meet my brother and SIL I was thrilled! We walked around and made fun of all the little signs and T-shirts we saw...."Save a Deer, Eat More Possum" that kind of thing. SB talked me into getting a characiture (sp?) made and even though the guy gave me big ears, a big nose and a fat lip, I was pleased with it! *L* I must tell you that even though Billy wasn't scheduled to go on until 9pm we got there at 5:30 thinking that would be plenty early....WRONG! We couldn't even see the stage! But I was determined to at least HEAR him sing so we sat through the opening act (Julie Roberts)until she started mutilating John Cougar Melencamp's "Hurt's so Good" We did wait around until 9:40 and when he still hadn't come on stage we left. No studly singer but I had a great time anyway!

Sunday was another nice day..started with breakfast w/ SB and then after church we came home for a nice relaxing stretch on the sofa until we went to practice softball. And before your jaw falls completely to the floor, no I wasn't playing but SB was so I came to take pics! Nothing better than sweaty tan men running around after a ball! *L*

SB was in such a good mood all weekend. So glad that my darling hubby is back!

Here's hoping is just not a short visit!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I may lose a leg....

In the last 9 days I have been to the Dr. no less than 3 times. Something is wrong with this picture!
I hate going to the Dr. and now I have further reason. You all know that my family Dr. insists that I have high BP, well he did tell me Tues. that it was lower and that I am NOT anemic! YEAH!! Then he tells me the bad news....My sugar is a little high...not dangerous high and nothing that can't be fixed with losing a little weight. (Well, why I haven't I thought of that? GRRR)
And if that isn't enough, I have had these red spots come up on my legs...both legs...almost identical spot. I ask Dr. what he thought it was and he insists that I have been bitten by something (although I don't remember that happening) and he gives me an antibiotic to try for a week. Well I go back yesterday and the spots actually look worse! So he gives me a new prescription and tells me to come back next week and if it isn't any better then we'll have to try something else. I leave there with a diet plan, another scheduled appt., and red spotted legs. I go to CVS to get the prescription filled and when the cashier rings it up...all I can say is "HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!" really! That's exactly what I said! That crazy woman wanted me to pay $110 for 10 little pills!!!!!! And yes, I have Ins.....great Ins. in fact. The leg will just have to fall off! The nice cashier sensing that I don't want to pay that much says that I can call Dr. and he can recommend something else. Whew! Ok, I'll do that. Guess what? Dr. says this is best need this medicine...(And no I don't know why he suddenly started talking in broken english) So, I have to use some of my cruise money to save my leg! At this point I'm thinking a peg leg would look cool sitting on the deck of the cruise ship...what do you think?

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Today was a day of catching up.... caught up on my laundry, caught up on my dishes and most importantly I caught up with a friend!

I got a call this morning from a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and she asked me to go to a scrapbook store with her. Having never turned down an opportunity to shop I was ready to leave in 20 mins. No small feat considering I hadn't even had a shower when she called. ( I was catching up on the laundry & dishes remember!)

It was a very nice day. We did a little shopping and then headed for lunch! I had something called a Monte Cristo.....not my usual taste but it wasn't all bad (especially since it was free! *G* Thanks again Jen!). The best part about it though was hanging out with Jennifer! She is just fun to be around! We caught up on kids, work, and just nothing really, but it was great seeing her again. We are planning to get together again soon and I can't wait.

Have you been meaning to get together with a friend you haven't seen in awhile? Do it now! Call them before they get a chance to call you and hey if you can treat them to lunch! :-)

Friday, September 01, 2006

It's Friday!

Yeah! This week is almost over! *L*

Things around the Bay have been boring but peaceful. Sugarbritches and I have been getting along great. He seems close to being back to his usually charming self. We have spent quite a few of his days off together so maybe that was all it was....maybe he just missed me...aaawwww! Whatever. At least things are better! *LOL*

Went to Gyn. this week to get my final post-op check-up. He came in after the nurse had taken blood and asked me

DR."Did you forget to take your iron pills this week?"

ME: "What iron pills? I didn't know I needed to take iron pills?"

DR.." Well your anemic and need to be taking iron tablets twice a day"

ME: Huh? couldn't someone have told me that sooner?

So he tells me everything else looks fine, I'm healing great, he just wants me to go to my family Dr. and have a physical and get a multi-vitamin w/ iron ASAP

So, I call the Dr. I do not like (I'm just too lazy to find another one) and I go to his office yesterday. He thinks my Blood Pressure is high even though everyone who has checked it in the last 2 months says it's fine! My Avg. BP has been 127/75... he got 138/92! Almost 20 points higher than his own nurse. He said that everyone has good BP when she checks it. (My thought is that if she is consistently wrong....why is she still your nurse?) Anyway, after checking behind my eyeball to see if the supposed high BP is causing damage, he sent me for an EKG (normal btw) and tells me that he is going to do a more thorough blood test to see if I am really anemic or what. I am wondering if i should trust his results! *G*


Sugarbritches is working this weekend so I am going to finish up some scrapbook swaps and watch a few movies. Just chill out. Things are going to be busy for the next few months so I am going to take advantage of the calm before the storm.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I want my MTV...

and CBS, and NBC, and every other channel! Sat. night after the game SB and I had a long discussion about what was going on with him. What it came down to was he feels I am not spending any time with him and that we lead separate lives. Which is true to a point but I think that it got that way because I was trying to be the wife that let him go hang with the "boys" anytime he wanted. And since he was hanging out with them I was going and doing other things. True we spent most evenings together but I guess in his mind it wasn't enough. So, we agreed to work harder on spending time just the 2 of us. I am very excited about it because I would rather spend time with him than sit at home while he's out riding motorcycles! *G* He also said that he feels like he has been in the middle of my war with Stepmonster and he hates that. I told him that I had not been battling her lately and that I thought he was more on her side than in the middle anyway! We decided to disagree, but not argue over this right now. I think once we start spending more time together he may actually see my point of view but if not, then I'll just keep praying that she find a place of her own soon! *G*

While we were talking, the power flickered off twice. Everything came back on except our TV. Now, ya'll know my addiction to reality TV so you know I can not NOT have a TV! SB did some research online and asked me to go with him to look at a few models at Best Buy. 2 hours later.....I was just ready to grab the first tv I could get my hands on and run to the check-out.... but being a man he had to look over all the options, sizes, prices, etc. We finally decided on a 30" flat screen with HDTV on sale for $699. I think hubby really wanted the 36" but he couldn't bring himself to pay $1,000 for a TV. Bless him, it just about killed him to leave it on the shelf. Since our hand me down entertainment center is not made to hold a 30" TV we also had to pick up a new stand. So even though we got the cheaper TV, our little power surge cost us almost $900. Thank goodness for no interest for 2 years! *LOL*

It's Just A Game.....Isn't it?

Sat. morning begins at 6:30am....that's EARLY for a Sat. morning around here! I got dressed and hauled booty to the Ballfield to help set up for the tournament. The first game wasn't until 9am but we had to set up the concession stand... so by the time the first pitch was thrown I was already exhausted! *L* For the most part things ran smoothly but late. I have been to a few tournaments and that seemed normal so I didn't think that much about it.

There was this one man (we'll call him player from now on) who kept coming up to check out the "bracket". He seemed nice enough when he started telling me that it wasn't set up right. Now I don't know anything about putting on a tournament and since it was the first time my brother had put one on, he had asked someone to help him. So, thinking that there really was a problem, I called my brother over. He explained how they had come up with the bracket and everything seemed ok. I say "seemed" because player kept coming back. He had me convinced at one point that all they needed to do was not play the last game of the night and then everything would be right. So I call my brother back up to the concession stand.....big mistake! He was hot and tired (by this time we had been there about 10 hours) he told player one more time that it was right and he was sorry that the he wasn't happy about it but it was staying how it was written. Well, it started getting dark and the last game was going to be played under the lights. I thought that would be neat evidently player didn't think so. He stalled the game about 15 mins. trying to convince the other team it was too dark to play. Player caused such a scene that he followed my brother off the field and started yelling about it being too dangerous to play and just kept going until my brother kicked him off the field and told him that if he didn't leave immediately he would be forced to call the police. The other team was ready to play and did for a few more innings...until player's team forfieted saying it was just too dark to play. We later found out that player's team had been drinking all afternoon and was down 10 runs. By forfeiting the game they would still be in the winner's bracket and play early the next day. I got home around 9pm. I was so exhausted and my feet and side were so sore it took 4 pain pills to get me to sleep!

The next day was Sunday so games didn't begin until 1pm. They put a time limit on the games and came up with a 1 pitch rule, meaning that you only got 1 pitch, if it was a ball you walked to 1st base, a strike you were out, and of course if you hit it then you ran as fast and as far as you could. *G* I had to leave early to find a TV (I'll tell ya about that later) and go to a cookout with a friend of SB. I heard later that Player was on his best behavior all day but his team was not! A fist fight almost broke out midway through the last games! GROWN MEN were fighting over a ball GAME!!!!! It was unbelievable! My stepmom was laughing as she told me all about it. I know I shouldn't be suprised how some men behave but really it wasn't like they were playing for money or anything. It was just a trophy! It was a nice trophy but still in the grand scheme of things it was nothing to get that worked up over.

Friday, August 25, 2006


What a week. I just haven't had the energy to blog...too depressed I think.

I have also been very busy at work. Why does it take 4 weeks to catch up on being out for 2? My desk is a disaster area. I thought I was actually going to see the cherry finish this week but no such luck *G* This week was newsletter time which means I track down all articles, make corrections/additions, send it for proofreading, make any more changes or corrections and then copy. The copier hates me. I have had this feeling for awhile now. I think that it must run on testosterone. I can try to make it do something and it won't of the men in the office can just walk in the room and suddenly, miraculously it will be begin to work perfectly. I could have sworn I heard it laugh at me one day! Anyway, yesterday it refused to print right side up. (It's a 4 pages printed both sides) Now I know what you are thinking...."you should move the paper stupid" Well I did that...I moved the paper in the copier and in the tray 4 different ways, EVERY time it copied the EXACT same way! I am telling you it is possessed! Even when the Youth Director came in it wouldn't everyone will be getting mis-copied newsletters because I was so mad I refused to try it one more time!

Another reason for the busy week is that my dad and brother are hosting a Softball Tournament this weekend. Which translates to my step-mom and I running all the errands, cleaning the most vile, disgusting bathrooms known to man, and then listening to them complain about how tired they are! My dad asked for volunteers to help run the concession stand ( we told him to schedule them in 2hr intervals so people wouldn't have to work so long) I wound up creating the list, getting the volunteers and then when he changed the schedule around he had the nerve to be upset with me because I wouldn't call everyone to let them know. Hey buddy I thought this was your chicken! Oh well, I will be there all day Sat. and Sun. so it won't really matter.

And to be honest the way things are going here at just as well I am not here. And just so you know, my problem isn't with "she who must not be named" Hubby is in a weird mood and I just don't know what to do about it anymore. He suffers from depression, being the usually happy person I am I just can't relate to it. I feel like when he gets in these moods he just sucks the joy right out of me. Now normally he isn't so bad. His medication helps alot. But sometimes like now, he doesn't talk to anyone, nothing seems to be to his liking, and he's just generally miserable. Which in turn makes me miserable. Maybe I should be a better wife but when it gets like this I just want to be away from him. SIGH, I am doing it again! Using this blog to complain about how terrible my life is, when it really isn't! For the most part I have a great life! I just have to remember that during these not so happy times.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Reality TV

Ok I confess, I am a reality TV junky! There I said it! Is there a 12 step program I can join? Hello, my name is scrapper, and I am addicted to almost all reality TV. I watch such shows as: Celebrity Fit Club, So You Think You Can Dance?, Top Chef, Fear Factor, Trading Spaces, While You Were Out and the list goes on.

My all-tme favorites are of course Survivor and The Amzing Race but this summer I have gotten into Treasure Hunters and Life on the D-List w/ Kathy Griffin. And currently my obsession is.............


Can we talk? Girlfriend! The gays are just delicious this year! Kayne and Robert are both just over the top! I love them! Michael the lone black designer is great, Angela and Vincent are just insane! Laura looks like a walking cadiver and Jeffrey's tatoos scare me! It is just FABULOUS!!!!

Last night they were taken to a recycling center and given 30 mins. to pick up garbage to make an outfit! I knew this was going to be good! Kayne's outfit looked like it was designed for a crack head prom queen! It was delicously tacky! And when Tim Gunn came in to critique it he told him that it was truly awful. A quick tug and the skirt came flying off. He only had about an hour to make a new one and it looked it. But oddly enough, his was not the worst!
Vincent created a piece of "art" that "just gets me off" as he kept was....there are no words....the poor model couldn't even walk in it! He just took garbage and hot glued it to a piece of stiff paper and sent it down the runway! Michael was the winner with a nice little dress with plastic wrap. But my favorite I hate to say, was Jeffrey's. He created a great dress from newspaper that he painted yellow and blue. It had flow and was just a great looking dress. They said he came in a very close second. Bummer!

I know I need to get a life....but I think there is hope for me. I mean I haven't succumbed to "The Flavor of Love"...................................yet

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well I made it through the convention! I actually had a great time! Didn't do much damage to the wallet.....which was suprising! There just wasn't any one thing that I just had to have ya know?

It was fun to get out of the house! We left Friday morning at 6:30 and just made our first class! I made several great projects and I hope to be able to teach some of these to the ladies at my scrapbook retreat. Friday evening after all the classes and shopping we could stand, we checked into the hotel and thought about supper. The hotel had a shuttle service so we took advantage of it and had them take us to Longhorn. We got back to the hotel around 8:30 and just crashed! I was so glad I wasn't the only one tired! I had been concerned that I would be holding the others back but I think I did really well!
Saturday was spent shopping and going to our last class. I did get tired after looking around the vendor fair for the 4th time so I sat down and waited while they finished up. We got home around 4:00pm and after unloading all my stuff, picking up dinner at the local Chinese restaurant, I crashed again. By Sunday I was almost back to normal! :-)


Things have just been weird around the bay. I had decided that I wasn't going to talk until spoken to because I just seem always get in trouble for something I say or ask. I think everyone is PMS-ing around here. Anyway, Sugarbritches took it to mean that I was mad at him so he got all moody and wasn't speaking to me.....he says he is tired of the battle between stepmonster and I. I haven't been battling and I told him so. I haven't asked/told her to do anything around the house, she has not volunteered to do anything so her life should be pretty easy. She comes and goes as she pleases, she doesn't pay for anything, what else could a 21 yr old want out of life? But evidently she is telling her dad stuff or he just I don't know what? Maybe they are all insane! *LOL* At any rate I have decided that life is too short for me to worry about her and I am not going to let her consume any more of my joy!

So that being said, I am giong to do my best not to dedicate any more posts to her! *G* Let's see how long I can hold out!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Something to make you smile

I have another post in the draft section but I heard this today and had to pass it along. I had heard it a few months back but didn't have a link to share. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Click on this link with your speakers on:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Too tired for a title.....

I was doing so well......

Really I was..... I was feeling great! Went to the Dr. on Tues. afternoon. He said I was doing great, could go back to work whenever I felt like it, could go to the convention if I promised to rest as much as possible, and most importantly said I could drive! WOOHOO!! I was so excited! Too excited evidently! I went to the grocery store Tues. afternoon. I was a little tired that night but nothing major.

Weds. I went shopping for school supplies that I will be donating to some children at an area school. Came home, got a small meal ready for a lady from our church who had just came home from the hospital. ( I know how much it meant to me knowing that supper was taken care of that first night home!) Dropped that off and went to church, still doing good. Sat down and I was hit smack in the face with a wave of exhaustion like I have NEVER felt! It must have been powerful because suddenly people were asking if I was OK. "Sure, just a little tired" I say. I make it through the service (and meeting afterwards) and then I drag myself home. I couldn't believe how tired I was! But, the bad thing... I couldn't get comfortable enough to go to sleep. I had to wind up taking a pain pill and crashing on the couch. Today I feel like I have been hit by a Mack Truck!

I have to get over this! The convention starts tomorrow and no way am I missing that! I will not disappoint stepmom and SIL! Going to take ANOTHER nap and try to get my energy up!

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm bored!!!!!!

I have been stuck at home for most of this week. I can not go another week like this! I know the Dr. said that I shouldn't go anywhere or do anything but walk around the house and then rest; but seriously..I am going INSANE!!!

I did go to the Dr. on Tues. He said I looked good and took out the staples (17 if case you were wondering!*G*) He told me that I was a lucky lady because if I had not had the surgery that the "mass" would have continued to grow and it would have killed me! NICE! He said that it weighed 983 grams (almost 2 lbs.) and was "a big one" *L* Have I mentioned how much I like this guy? He cracks me up! Anyway, I asked if I could go the scrapbook convention next week and he said NO. Poor man I bet he thinks I'm going to listen to him! He doesn't know me very well! I've already paid for those classes and they have a no refund policy! Besides, I may kill some one if I am not let out on parole again soon!


I must say I sort of see where he is coming from...especially after Weds...

I called Step-mom and asked if she could bust me out of here and we went to the park with my niece and nephews. I just sat at the picnic table and chatted with her while the kids played. We then went to get my paycheck and stopped by the bank on the way home. I was doing fine! Came home and rested for awhile and decided that I could go to the church Fellowship Night. I've gotta tell ya....I couldn't believe what happened when I walked in. My dad saw me first and when he said hey to me everybody started clapping and coming over to hug me! It was wonderful! Wish everyday was like that! *L* Several of the ladies came up to me and said they couldn't believe I was there.... I should be home resting! *G* But the funny thing was the men. I even got hugs from them and they seemed very concerned for me. It was very sweet!

After dinner Stepmom brought me home, I crashed and crashed hard!! I felt awful Thurs. & Fri. I could hardly move for the pain and just this crummy feeling that wouldn't go away. I got about 2 hrs. sleep on Friday night but by Sat. I was well enough to go out to dinner and a movie. "You Me & Dupree" (I'll give a review later) I have "rested" today per Sugarbritches orders but I feel much better than I did Thurs. or Fri. So maybe I have built up a little bit of stamina!

I told you that long boring story to say that hopefully I will feel up to the convention and can survive the 2 day event. I know I can not come home and complain about pain or anything after that though....SB will kill me! Well he may have to fight my mom for that previlige, but either way I'd be a dead woman walking! *LOL*

Monday, July 24, 2006

I Survived!!

Whew! Boy am I glad to be home!

We were told to be at the hospital at 7:30 am and my surgery would be at 9. Well, they finally came to get me at 10:30! The good news is that I was back in my room by 1:30pm! The Dr. came to see me after I got settled and said that the mass was indeed 1 mass and it was much larger than it appeared on the sonogram. I have always been an overachiever! *L* He said that it had become necrotid (sp?) which means DEAD and was causing scare tissue to build up. He decided that it would be too "dangerous" to take the uterus so he just took the mass and the left ovary. He came in Friday morning to check out the incision and to see how everything was going, after giving me the once over he said I could go home then if I wanted to! WOW! It went from staying 3 or 4 days to you can leave in less than 24hrs! Sugarbritches asked if I could stay one more night since he had to work and he knew we couldn't count on stepmonster to help out if I needed anything and the Dr. said sure! *G* Gotta love him!

So I came home Sat. afternoon. My stepmom brought over supper for us on Sat. and my mom brought over TONS of food on Sunday so SB shouldn't have to cook at all this week! My mom had asked me if there was something I wanted and I told her I missed her meatloaf and homemade biscuits. She brought all the southern favorites....fried chicken, meatloaf, cornbread and biscuits, greenbeans, homemade mashed potatoes, pinto beans (for SB...I don't eat 'em! *G*) and a banana cake for dessert! She said that she was sure SB wouldn't want to cook especially when he was working and that all of that would freeze if needed so he could just take it out and warm it up. My other SIL is suppose to bring dinner tonight.....we really don't need it but I don't want to hurt her feelings so we will take it and figure something out later! Maybe I'll invite everyone over for dinner! *G*

I am still very sore but I am learning to walk slow and take breaks every little bit so I should be up and running before too long!

Stepmonster continues to be just that, but I am not even worried about it! I have had so many people call to check on me, send me cards & flowers, help with meals, etc. that I know that I am loved. I have been trying to figure out a way to show these people how much I appreciate everything they have done.... a simple "Thank You" card doesn't seem to be enough. If you have any ideas, please pass them along.....

Hope you have a great week!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tomorrow's the Big Day

I'll be heading to the hospital at 7:00 am and should be under the knife by 9! *G* Doc. said it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours so I should be in my room by lunch time. WooHoo. *G* He also said if I was a very good girl and was doing ok...he would send me home Sat. but I might not get to come home until Sun. Here's hoping for Sat.

If you don't hear from me for a few weeks...send a search party....or send flowers *G* Just kidding! I am sure everything will be fine and I'll be back to annoying everyone I know in no time!

Have a great weekend kiddies!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I dare ya!

to check out this video from the Knight Rider himself! And then I challenge you not to have this stupid song in your head for hours! *LOL*

The World Wide Web can be a dangerous place....

especially for a hypochondriac! :-) I have been doing a little research online about my surgery and let's just say "I shouldna done that"! I was told to bring any questions I might have about the surgery to my Dr.'s appt. on Tues. Well, I wasn't sure what I needed to ask so I went started looking around and if I wasn't nervous about the surgery before...I'm getting there!

I did get some very helpful information though, I now know to ask about biopsies, the CA125 test, and other simples things like..recovery time, when can I drive, that kind of thing. The questions that spooked me a little had to do with blod clots, donating blood (just in case?!?!?), bladder tacks. Things like that.

Looking at my list now it seems kinda funny that they made me nervous, but what can I say? I've never had an operation before so I'm entitled right?

I have been making lists all weekend of things that I need to get done before Thurs. I am going to try to have some dinners already made up so that all Sugarbritches will have to do is warm them up. Especially for the nights he has to work. I really can't expect him to work all night and then cook the next day right? I am writing out all the bills, getting the checkbook balanced, going to the grocery store, I've gotten some books to read and I have also made a list of movies I want to watch over the next couple of are a few, if you think of others I should see, please let me know.

1. Rumor Has It
2. Rent
3. The Producers
4. Benchwarmers
5. Grandma's Boy

Oh, speaking of stupid movies...(4 & 5) have you seen The Ringer? OMG!!!!! I haven't seen a movie so politically incorrect in a long time! I am ashamed to say I laughed out loud several times! All I can say is "When the _ UCK did we get ice-cream?" Ahhh Good times!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I think the idea of it is slowly sinking in. I must admit that I cried a little when I heard the words from the Dr. I know I am a big girl and big girls don't cry, but this one did! Just for a few seconds but long enough. *G* Everyone has been very positive and encouraging about the whole thing. Everyone but Stepmonster that is......I know, shocking right?

Can you believe that she hasn't asked what the Dr. said? Can you believe she doesn't give a $hit? I can!!!!!!! My stepmom said not to tell her anything unless she asks. I know that sounds terrible to some of you who actually have normal relationships with your step children, but it sounds perfectly reasonable to me considering how she has been treating me. She knows I have been in a lot of pain for the last few weeks, has she offered to wash a dish? sweep a floor? anything? NOPE! You read that correctly! She has done NOTHING to make it any easier on me! Her dad works a weird schedule so he can only do so much, and to be perfectly honest I feel bad even asking him to help out with the cleaning because he works so hard. And this causes me to get even more angry with her because she knows this, and still doesn't help. And then I get mad at SB because he won't tell her to do anything! He just does it and then fusses about it! Passive Aggressive much? Me thinks so! *G*

I wish I could blame her behavior on BF but as I have said before he really isn't the problem. HE actually asked me what the Dr. said yesterday. He said that she hadn't told him anything yet and I said that's because she doesn't know.....she hasn't asked. He couldn't believe it....asked ME what her problem was! I could have filled his ears full but decided to just shrug....he'll find out about her soon enough.

It seems that a lot of my posts have to do with the fued between she and I....that makes me angry too! It has started to taint everything in my life. I need to make some changes...I am just not sure what those are or how to go about them.....Any suggestions?

Friday, July 07, 2006

OUCH!....Men may want to skip this post!

I was going to post some of my ramblings that are still in the draft section but I need to tell you guys what's going on with me....not so much because I think you care but I need to talk about it and I am sure my family is sick of hearing lucky you!

First, let me give you a little back story........2 weeks ago I went to my dad's for dinner. I got up from the couch to check on something and I almost fell over from a sharp pain. It came from my spinal cord around to my belly button. I almost cried it hurt so bad. Since stepmom is a nurse she tried diagnosing me with several things before it was decided that I must go to the ER. Everyone thought I had a kidney stone......after several hours in the ER I was informed that it was not a kidney stone and they needed to do a cat scan. The wonderful morphine had kicked in by then so I was game for anything. Sugarbritches and I heard one of the staff say that I had a 20mm cyst. OK....not the best news but not terrible. When we ask about it we were told "Oh no it's not 20's 20 CM!!!!" OUCH!!!!!!! Then the nurse had the nerve to pull out a tape measure and show me just how big 20CM go find a tape measure....I'll wait.......That's freaking big huh? She said it was the size of a canteloups and I needed to see a Gyn. immediately. As a matter of fact they had spoken to one and he would see me the next morning. WOW! Not sure about your area but you can't get a Gyn.'s appt. around here for months! So I was a little nervous that he agreed to see me so soon.

So, I go the next morning and once I go through the sheer joy that is a pap smear, and rectal exam! I am told that the ER docs were wrong. The "mass" as we are calling it now, is only 8.5X12X13 CM. Oh really???? Cause it feels like 20!!!!!! Dr. Fun wants me to have an ultrasound so he can determine exactly were the "mass" is and what our next steps should be. Only thing is, he is going out of town and wouldn't be back until today! And since he didn't trust anyone else but his people to do the ultrasound I have had to endure this pain and boredom for the last 2 weeks. Boredom comes from being told, "No Heavy lifting, no stress, just rest!" I have read several books, watched entirely too much TV and have just been miserable for it!

SO, all of that to say this..........

I went to the Dr. today for the Ultrasound......It is not 1 "mass".....there are 3 large cysts on my left ovary. YEAH! And when I talked to the Dr. this afternoon he gives me the good news. Surgery is needed as soon as possible. And in his words, it will be a "major surgery" for me. He will have to go through my abdomin because of their size. He will take the left ovary, my uterus and try to leave me the right ovary. Oh JOY! And it gets even better.....what I thought would be just an overnight stay in the hospital has turned into at least a 3 day ordeal! And the best part????? 6-8 weeks recovery time!!! I will be out of my mind by then. And if that isn't enough to brighten my day I am told by stepmom that not only will I feel drained for the first few weeks I won't be able to drive!!!! HELLO????? This can't be happening! I know that the sheer thought of not being able to drive will make me want to drive even more!

Anyway, I guess I should be happy that I am getting this taken care of. And to be honest the surgery wasn't really a fear until he told me I would have to be in the hospital for several days. That has me freaked out for some reason! The last time I had to stay in a hospital was the day I was born! I am not looking forward to this. I should know tomorrow when I will be going under the knife. If you pray, I'd appreciate you saying a short one for me.

Sorry for the long boring post.....I hope to return to my fun-loving self soon......

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Wasting away again in Magaritaville

SB and I decided the spend most of Friday together alone. We did some shopping, walked around Broadway on the Beach, Chilled in Margaritaville and played some more Putt-Putt. It was a lovely afternoon and I really enjoyed just hanging out with him. I could really tell the vacation was doing him a world of good. He hadn't flinched about how much we were spending once! I couldn't believe it!

Everyone decided to join us for supper at Margaritaville...after an hour & 1/2 wait.....(we chilled out on the "Sand Bar" and people watched so it didn't seem that long)....we went inside for Cheeseburgers in Paradise! I wanted to eat here just for the atmosphere alone....I don't know if you've ever been in one of Jimmy Buffett's restaurants but he has the "cheese" factor down! I loved all the over the top decorations and the giant blender in the middle of the room was awesome. What I didn't realize was when "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere" came on that the "show" began. There was a giant hurricane cloud on the ceiling that began spinning around...lightening flashed and suddenly a large bottle of Margaritta Mix pours into the 10' blender! It was funny to watch as the waitresses filled glasses from the blender and took around to customers. The meal was ok, and the shopping was good....but the best part was just hanging out.......

Just one more day and vacation is over.....bummer!

Saturday - I finally did it! I rode SB's bike! He took me for a long ride down Ocean Blvd.....not the main one.....we actually went toward China Grove.....or as I call it "Little Mexico" I can see the attraction of riding along the beach and having the wind in your hair (no helmet law).....but I was not an easy passenger when it came to traffic....I almost had him drop me off along the side of the road but I hung on until we got back home.

And then it was time to pack up and head back home.....hope Stepmonster hasn't destroyed it while we were gone....

Dolphins, lunch, waves......not the best combo....

I must say that this vacation has been really nice....not too much going on but I am doing things that I have wanted to do for several years......

Thursday - Dolphin Cruise! 6 of us pack a lunch and head out to Calabash. I was so looking forward to getting on the boat and chasing dolphins all afternoon...... Took a few pics before getting on the boat, I rush to the front looking for the best seats. Didn't find a seat but did find the perfect spot for pics! After the Capt. gives us the safety drill, history of the boat, and weather report ( "2' waves...perfect seas for dolphin wacthing") we are on our way. I have my camera strap wrapped around my hand several times with SB standing close by just in case I drop it. Nervous much? *G* Just a few minutes into the cruise we start seeing packs of dolphins swimming along in front of the boat! I am soo excited I just love dolphins! I think they are just beautiful as they glide along the water. SB says he can get better shots from his angle so I hand him the camera and trust that I can watch them as he gets some great shots. Not a minute later he says..."Uh-Oh, you are out of memory" I pull the camera from him and start looking for pics I can erase from the memory......

Me: Ohhhh, I feel woozy......

SB: Look out towards the shore...find a spot and will pass...

Me: ooooo.....I'm gonna be...BLECH......BLECH.......BLEEEECCCCCHHHHHH..........oohhhhh

SB: go to the back of the will feel better back there....


I take a few steps and hurl again! I finally make it to the inside of the boat and kind of rest there. I miss the educational part of the trip where the Capt. brings out all these different varieties of fish, shark, and plant life. I also miss the ride back......I stayed in that spot until the boat docked.....the whole time I'm thinking..."How am I gonna survive a week on a cruise?"

We go home and I rest/recover while the men head out to The Rat Hole.....sounds pleasant enough right? *L* Either they weren't that impressed with the place or they were VERY impressed and decided not to tell us when they got home *LOL*

Tuesday part duex

Everyone met up at the House of Blues for a free meal and concert around 2pm. The weather was great, the band was decent so not too bad. I tell SB that I want to go to the Alligator Adventure Park before we leave the beach and he says since we are so close we should go now. Ronnie's girlfriend has not riden his bike much so she decided she'll make the short trip on the bike...then my niece wants to ride w/ SB, and SIL joins brother, which leaves me and Christine in the car. problem. A few minutes later all but Ronnie & Lisa head into AA. MAN! I didn't realize this place was so big! It took us almost 3 hours to go through probably wouldn't not have taken so long but SIL had to take a picture of EVERY animail in the park! *LOL* I really enjoyed the park and can't wait to scrapbook all the great pics I got of feeding time! The guys went riding while the ladies came home and chiled for awhile.

BTW, I am already almost finished with my James Patterson book by now......

Wednesday - Nothing special happens on Weds.....just a little shopping at Broadway on the Beach. This is my 3rd day in a row of taking a morning walk...just me and my camera.....loving the peace and quite on the beach that early in the morning. Oh, I forgot...everyone, well almost everyone...not me mind a little crazy with the jello-shooters! It was kind of funny to watch grown adults get a little tipsy *G* Just another reminder why I don't drink much......*G*

Bike Week

I love vacations!!! I don't really care where I go as long as I have fun people to hang with.

We left for the beach around 11am on Mother's Day and arrived at the beach house around 4pm. Not bad considering we stopped for lunch and it rained most of the way there.

Once we unloaded and showed everyone around, I walked out on the beach with my brother and his family. The wind was fierce but I got some great pics of the surf. We ordered pizza and just relaxed all evening.

Monday - The guys got up early and went to unload all the bikes. I took a long walk along the beach....took my some great pics a jelly fish and other unusual things along the way. My brother's bike wasn't running right so he decided to hang with the ladies for the day. UH OH....this is not looking good for us! He will be a total pain the in A$$ if his bike doesn't get to running properly! We say a silent prayer that God will have mercy on us and then we head to Barefoot Landing. If you've never been, this is like a Giant Shopping Center surrounded by a man-made lake. We walked around all day looking at the bike vendors and shops. Christine is exhausted so I take her back to the house and we get ready for dinner. After dinner SB & I join Ronnie & Lisa in a fun game of Putt-Putt. I just love Putt-Putt even if I hardly ever win. I took my camera along and got a great shot of Ronnie's Hole-in-One. I am so loving this camera!

Tuesday - While I went on my morning stroll, I see several cop cars at a house up the street, curiosity gets the better of me so I walk slowly... *G*.... Anyway, it turns out the college kids who were staying at that house had accidently set off a fire alarm. I kept walking around the block and ended back up at the house as the cops are evicting the kids in the house beside us! We knew they were partying but they had not been loud enough to wake any of us..... so we all sat on the porch and watched as they were photographed along with their cars. The cops gave them 15 mins. to get out. As the cops were pulling out we asked one of the guys what happened. He said that they had set off the fire alarm about 3AM by using the fire extinguisher. He said that he didn't know why they waited 5 hours to come see what the problem was though! I agree! *L* Anyway, after asking if they could crash on our porch all 15 guys headed out to find somewhere to crash for the rest of the week. We sort of felt sorry for them until they told us they had been kicked out of everywhere they rented for Spring Break for the last 4 years!
Once everything settles down, Sugarbritches and his buddy Ronnie take a look at my brother's bike. In a matter of minutes they figure out the problem and have him on the road! THANK YOU LORD!!! I'm telling you it would have ruined everyone's vacation if he had to be stuck with us all week while the men road their bikes. We decide after breakfast that the guys will go riding around for awhile and we will meet up at the House of Blues around 2pm.

More of my fabulous vacation to follow tomorrow.....

Several Posts

I have several posts in the draft section that will be coming soon. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted. Once you read them you may understand........

Saturday, May 13, 2006

T - 30 hours.....

And the countdown has begun! *L*

Have I mentioned how ready I am to get to the beach? Well I am!

I have the last bit of laundry in the dryer....going to pack that when SB wakes up. Then the only thing will be to pack our toiletries in the morning! I printed out the directions to the beach house and have those on the counter, I have my camera ready, battery chargers for phone & Camera ready, food (non-paerishable) in the van, (which by the way I had professionally cleaned inside & out...because God knows I would never had been able to get it that clean on my own! *G*) I have left stepmonster detailed instructions on animal care, food in the house, and "company".

Speaking of Stepmonster, you are never gonna believe this, well I didn't anyway. She got up this morning and said "Since you are leaving in the morning, I wanted to give you your gift today". It wasn't ticking so I decided to open it....she got me a cute Bath & Body Works type lotion set and some new hair accesories. She said she noticed I was putting my hair up (it's getting longer than I am used to) and she thought I could use them. I was stunned she bought me anything and I told her thank you very much! Wonder how long the good times will last? *LOL*

Anyway, gotta dash! Need to call my mom and make sure we are still meeting for dinner tonight!

Ya'll have a great mother's day!

Catcha next week!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I AM: cleaning house while I wait on my mom

I WANT: to leave now for the beach!

I WISH: I didn't have credit card debt!.

I HATE: how Stpemonster and I are getting along

I MISS: My High School Buddies

I FEAR: Stepmonster and I may never get along

I HEAR: My dryer buzzer and the ladies from the View

I WONDER: if I have enough moeny for the beach *G*

I REGRET: not being a nicer person to certain people

I AM NOT: riding Sugarbritches bike at the beach

I DANCE: when I am home alone

I SING: all the time... in the car along w/ the radio

I CRY: at sad movies

I AM NOT ALWAYS: happy...although I try not to show that too much

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: scrapbooks!

I WRITE: To Do Lists....I don't think I could get anything done

I CONFUSE: myself! *LOL*

I NEED: to win the lottery!

I START: my day w/ a shower and a trip to the computer

I FINISH: my day by checking my email...see a pattern here? *G*

I TAG: Lisa, Amy, Gini, Jennifer!

Thirteen Thursday Presents......

13 Things To Do on Vacation!

1. Read My new James Patterson book "Beach Road"

2. Shop at Broadway on the Beach

3. Go to House of Blues for dinner

4. Take tons of pics! *L*

5. See the Sunrise one morning

6. Walk hand in hand w/ Sugarbritches on th beach at sunset

7. Have a Margarita!

8. Check out the local scrapbook stores

9. Soak up some sun

10. Visit with an old friend



13. RELAX!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Simply a Wonderful Saturday

Today was a great day!

There is a small group of us who get together on each person's birthday and plan an adventure. Since most of us were going to be out of town on SIL's big day we decided to get together today and suprise her. She loves animals so much that we call her Ellie May, so we decided that the perfect adventure for her would be the Lazy 5 Ranch. We had a blast! Imagine 4 grown women on a hayride traveling through a 100 acre zoo. It was too funny! We saw lots of elk, deer, buffalo, and pot belly pigs. But the best part was feeding the giraffes, camels and zebras! SIL was in heaven! After we left there we went to our local scrapbook store (LSS) and I spent way too much! Even with the 30% off I still spent almost $50! I haven't been to a scrapbook store since Feb. but I could have not gone for another year and still have plenty of stuff to use! But in my defense I did just buy what I needed for the pics I took today. (176 pics!!!) And let me just say.....they are OUTSTANDING!!! I am so in love with my new camera! Sugarbritches is happy I am finally learning how to use it so he will be real impressed with these. If I would ever figure out how to size them I would share some with you. Maybe soon!

Well I am off to write out all my bills, clean my kitchen and settle in for a quite night w/ SB. Perfect ending to a great day!

Hope you all had a great day too!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Whiney Wednesday

I don't really know what I have the nerve to whine's pretty good...but here goes anyway!

1. I can't seem to lose weight fast enough! I know it is coming off slowly and that is how it should come off, but I wanna be skinny! (Said in my best whiney voice!)

2. Stepmonster is being her most pleasant self! NOT! I wish we weren't always growling at each other.

3. Vacation is 11 days away....I wish it were 1 day away! *L*

4. Repairmen are scary! Took my van in to have the tires aligned and the brakes check.....they have been squeaking for a while but hubby had just replaced them so I wasn't worried but it was annoying. The repair guy came in and told me that I had NO Back brakes and he was suprised that my car was still stopping! But if I would just give $375 he would be glad to fix it for me today! I call hubby near tears and he tells me that he can replace them for about 1/2 that! thank goodness I married a man who know how to fix things!

5. My scraproom is a disaster area and I don't want to clean it up!

6. I have no idea what to get my mom for Mother's Day....and she is already pissed because we are leaving for the beach that morning instead of spending the day w/ her! Before you throw something at me....I have asked her to tell me something that she would really like to do and we would spend all day Sat. doing that....she hasn't given me any ideas.

Well now that I have whined why don't you?

Go ahead it might make you feel better!

Leave a link in the comments section so I can read them!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

BIKES, BINGO and I can't think of another "B" *LOL*

I have come here many times over the last few weeks to write and tell you all about my boring life....but something always comes up and I can't seem to sit here long enough to publish an entry!

I have been planning my vacations....yep that's right....I get 2 this year! And I am ready to leave on both of them right now! Sadly, although I am mentally ready...financially not so much. *L* It has been a stressful couple of weeks around the old Bay but Vacation # 1 is just 14 days away! I hope I can hold on to my sanity until then!


As some of you know, Sugarbritches owns a Harley and he LOVES that bike.....I mean it's a freaky kind of love that only other bikers understand....I am not a biker! There is a reason I am not a biker.....I have seen "ladies" on the back of bikes and it is never a good look for a woman.....especially a...shall we say...."vuluptuous woman". Being a "voluptuous woman" I tend to stay far away from the back end of the bike. Well, I guess the fact that I have lost almost 30lbs (And apparently several hundred brain cells) since joining the Y... I MISTAKENLY thought I could go for a "quick ride down the road" I broke him! Sugarbritches that is! I am guessing here... but I think when I was trying to get on the bike the handlebars turned and that's when he yelled OW!!! This of course can't be good.....Dear readers if he is not able to ride that Bike while we are at the beach....I AM A DEAD WOMAN WALKING!!

This happened on Sunday....on Monday morning Mr. "I don't like going to the Dr." had called and made himself an appt. Long story short(er) he tore the cartilidge in his arm! Doc said to take an anti-inflamatory and it should be ok in a few weeks....NO HAS to be better in 2 weeks! So far he says it is feeling better and although I am certain it is, he tells me it was not my fault and I shouldn't feel bad. Needless to say my riding days are OVER!


In between working, trying to wound SB and planning my vacations I did something fun this week. I went to play BINGO. Now I know what you are thinking.....I am a big DORK but I LOVE BINGO! I get so excited when I am close to winning you just wouldn't believe it! Well if you know me you might believe it...but anyway, I went Thurs. night with my MIL and it was a blast! I haven't played in a long time and to be honest I really had no clue what I was doing most of the time. I mean I don't know all the ways you can win. I also didn't know you could win so much! At the beginning of the night I won a $15 game....woohoo! Boy was I excited! Five or Six games later MIL won....she said that she always split 80/20 with her playing buddy and then she gave me $40! WHAT???? how did she win that much and then why on earth would be share with me?!? Once I questioned her a little I figured out that we were playing for BIG bucks! *G* Most games were for $100 but she had won a $300 game! Holy Smokes! I was really excited about playing now! We played several more games with me getting "on" (meaning I only needed 1 number to win) a couple of times but not winning. Well with 3 games left to play MIL wins AGAIN! She is up to $400 bucks at this point and my little $15 is feeling pretty sorry for itself. Then I notice I only need one number on the next to last game....surely they wouldn't call N36....the very next # was N36!! I won $125!!!!!!!!!!! And I only needed 1 more # to win another $125 but 5 #'s later someone else won. Oh well, can't win them all. But I am officially hooked! We are going again next week!

Oh, and before you think that I would miss Survivor for a lousy $180 I should tell you that SB taped it for me so after all that excitement I came home to watch Terry win imunity again! I am sort of on the fence about who should win this time....I think anyone but Shane would be good! *L*

Saturday, March 25, 2006


anyone there? Has it really been three weeks since my last post?

I promise I will do better! It has just been busy as usual around here and when I take the time to sit down at the computer I just can't think of anything I think you might want to read.
But today I decided that this is my space on the net to write about whatever pops into my head! *L* I hope you enjoy coming to visit me here but I won't always promise to be funny, or even interesting. I'm really selling this blog aren't I? *LOL*

Next post will be better!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sometimes you just need a quickie!

OK, I know how that sounds...and I probably shouldn't be writing about it but......

My friend "L" and I have been friends for 25 + years. We may go months without seeing each other, but when we get together it's just like old times....ever had a friend like that? Anyway, we went to lunch this week because she was feeling a down and needed to get away. Her dad passed away a few weeks ago and I think it is just now hitting her. While at lunch she started talking about the last time she and her dad were together alone....He was sort of out of it due to medication and he looked up and out of the blue said "Sometimes you just need a quickie!" (Which just proves to me that most men always have sex on the brain.) She said that she will never be able to tell her husband about that because everytime he wants to and she doesn't he'll say "Remember what your dad said! *G*"

I don't know why I told that little story today but......
"sometimes you just need a quickie"

Have a great weekend and try not to think about this post all weekend! *L*

Bet ya can't!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Since my last post was eaten by Blogger...I am going to share.....


10: All my spelling and gramatical get those everytime so I guess you really won't miss those huh?

9: Diet there any other way a diet can be?

8: YMCA horror know it can't be good

7: My complaining about Stepmonster..shocked aren't you?

6: "Neighbor" update....the good, the bad, the ugly

5: Sugarbritches' idea to help me lose weight....skinny people shouldn't offer advice!

4: Plans for Vacation....Bike Week....need I say more?

3: Call for Diet assistance...that's right I need your help!

2: Possible romantic it's not me and Brangelina!

And the number one thing you missed out on when Blogger ate my last post.....

1: My witty sense of humor! *G* Seriously, it was a funny post.....hate you missed it!


I just had a wonderful post for all of you! It was funny, sad, it had adventure, romance, the whole package...hate you missed it!

I'll try again tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Things We Do For Love

Every year our church has a "Things We Do For Love" Night. All the couples in the church are invited. We usually have a dinner and then play the "Not-so Newly-Wed Game". This is the highlight of the night and everyone loves to come see how the couples answer questions about each other.

This year our Pastor's wife wanted to do something different. She had all the women right a poem to their husbands and all the men were to sing a song to their wives. Several of the men sang really sweet songs to their wives. A few I remember are "Valentine", "Lady" and there was a country tune in there as well. Almost all the men teared up! I couldn't believe it! They were so sweet.

Now I am not the mushy gushy type usually. I should say that I like getting mushy cards and such, it's just that I am not very good at expressing myself without a LOT of humor! So when it came time for Sugarbritches and I to come forward I was very nervous! I had a short poem about how I liked looking at his rear and how he made my heart say "Oh Boy" but nothing too lovey dovey. I really wasn't expecting SB to even participate....but Bless his heart!

My hubby....quite, never draw attention to himself the microphone and after saying repeatedly "I can't believe I am doing this"
sang a song in front of everyone! He picked Rod Stewart's "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You"!! If you know me you know I LOVE Rod Stewart!!

It was such a huge gesture on his part! I was so proud! And I kinda felt bad he was really putting himself out there and all I could muster up was a few lines about his booty! *LOL*

Another thing that made that song so special was he and I have been going through a little bit of a rough patch lately. I have just been feeling very unappreciated and unloved. And he says it's not true but I have been needing more than words you know?

When he finished singing and we sat down I told him he scored BIG brownie points! He said "Good! Does this mean you know I love you now?" I do know it.....I just need to be reminded every once in awhile.