Sunday, November 27, 2005

Where have I been? you ask.....

Well none of you have really asked....none of you post comments! Shame on you! My feelings are hurt! Well since you have properly been chastized, I guess I'll clue you in....

In Sept. my brother had Gastric Bypass....He was over 400lbs and although "healthy" he wanted to do something before he got real health problems. Anyway, since his surgery he has lost an incredible 87 lbs.! I think that is awesome! Well I REALLY wanted to have the surgery as well and after talking to SugarBritches (and everyone else I know) I called the Weightloss Clinic to see how I needed to proceed. I was told to contact my Ins. Co. to see if they would cover the surgery (95% of ins. companies do)....well not ours! *G* Actually the Ins. Co. does but SB's company has "excluded" any Weight Loss Surgery. *SIGH* So while I wait for the company to find out if they can make an exception SB talked me into joining the YMCA.....actually he wanted to join and I thought I had better try to do something while I wait!

So for the first week I went to the Y and walked on the was all I thought I could do....then SB told me to get a trainer.....I didn't want a trainer.....if I had a trainer then I would have someone to watch over me to make sure I exercised! Well I made an appt. with the Drill Seargent/trainer and after about a 30 minute conversation we worked out a little exercise plan of walking and weight training. I have gone 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks! Go can applaud now! *LOL* I really like it and look forward to going even if it is at the buttcrack of dawn! I go before work most days and spend about 45 mins sweating my bootie off. I have lost 4.5lbs!! No where near what I need to do but better than if I had done nothing! So if you see someone on the treadmill who looks like she would rather be ANYWHERE else than there say howdy! I would love the company! *LOL*

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